Thursday , September 12 2024
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A Personal Note: My Mind Is Going. I Can Feel It.

So my computer crashed. I hadn't backed it up in a while. But, even so, my backup failed, too. I am currently paying for some specialist organization to restore the data, and they are on their third attempt. The cost seems a lot for an individual, but I feel like I need a lot that is on it. I am going to buy a new computer, and I have been slow about this. Until I do this, I will not be able to post any mathematical examples. I think that I have posted enough that I can recreate these examples. But I have lost draft introductions and conclusions not in posts. This is always my difficulty, and what I had should probably have rewritten those parts anyways. I have also lost code, some for applications I do not recall. I have lots of PDFs, some for works I have also in books. I had

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So my computer crashed. I hadn't backed it up in a while. But, even so, my backup failed, too. I am currently paying for some specialist organization to restore the data, and they are on their third attempt. The cost seems a lot for an individual, but I feel like I need a lot that is on it.

I am going to buy a new computer, and I have been slow about this. Until I do this, I will not be able to post any mathematical examples. I think that I have posted enough that I can recreate these examples. But I have lost draft introductions and conclusions not in posts. This is always my difficulty, and what I had should probably have rewritten those parts anyways.

I have also lost code, some for applications I do not recall. I have lots of PDFs, some for works I have also in books. I had downloaded PDFs for collected works of Ricardo, Marx & Engels, and Lenin. I am not sure whether these are still freely available.

Anyways, maybe I will post less frequently for quite a while.

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