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Housing permits and starts, GDP forecast

Permits back on trend after a post-Covid bounce? Starts down a bit but perhaps leveling off around pre covid levels. Certainly not a major collapse yet: Multi-family doing better than single-family: Another tick up in the Fed Atlanta’s GDP calculations:

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Permits back on trend after a post-Covid bounce?

Housing permits and starts, GDP forecast

Starts down a bit but perhaps leveling off around pre covid levels.
Certainly not a major collapse yet:

Housing permits and starts, GDP forecast

Multi-family doing better than single-family:

Housing permits and starts, GDP forecast

Another tick up in the Fed Atlanta’s GDP calculations:

Housing permits and starts, GDP forecast

Warren Mosler is an American economist and theorist, and one of the leading voices in the field of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Presently, Warren resides on St. Croix, in the US Virgin Islands, where he owns and operates Valance Co., Inc.

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