Permits back on trend after a post-Covid bounce? Starts down a bit but perhaps leveling off around pre covid levels. Certainly not a major collapse yet: Multi-family doing better than single-family: Another tick up in the Fed Atlanta’s GDP calculations:
WARREN MOSLER considers the following as important: Uncategorized
This could be interesting, too:
Permits back on trend after a post-Covid bounce? Starts down a bit but perhaps leveling off around pre covid levels. Certainly not a major collapse yet: Multi-family doing better than single-family: Another tick up in the Fed Atlanta’s GDP calculations:
WARREN MOSLER considers the following as important: Uncategorized
This could be interesting, too:
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Permits back on trend after a post-Covid bounce?
Starts down a bit but perhaps leveling off around pre covid levels.
Certainly not a major collapse yet:
Multi-family doing better than single-family:
Another tick up in the Fed Atlanta’s GDP calculations: