Sunday , October 6 2024
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Articles by Arne

Unwilling or Unable to Move

1 day ago

Partisan Divide?

Per the poll discussed below, only 48 percent of Trump supporters got raises while 72 percent of Biden supporters got raises.  27 percent of Trump supporters had changed jobs while 43 percent of Biden supporters had changed.

Data and Reporting

Again today Paul Krugman said “the average worker’s purchasing power is higher than it was five years ago.”  Dean Baker has also made the same observation, saying “workers in the bottom decile seeing wage gains that outpaced inflation since the pandemic by more than 13.0 percent.”  I trust their linked data, but I must wonder how much work the word ‘average’ is doing in those statements.  Krugman focuses on the partisan difference in perception.  Baker focuses on biased reporting by the

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