Tuesday , October 22 2024
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Bill Haskell

Articles by Bill Haskell

Sites and Claims Creating a False Narrative Attributed Kamala Harris’s Campaign

2 days ago

Josh Marshall at TPM gives the details on an Elon Musk-funded PAC targeting Jewish and Arab communities. Elon Musk’s Fake Sites and Fake Texts Impersonating the Harris Campaign

I can see this type of targeting playing well in the city of Detroit where there are large communities of both Jewish and Arab communities . . . Dearborn being one such community.

One action is to target a community with your support for a candidate. Another and a questionable or unethical action is to target an ethnic community with political ads faking political decisions or a stance by a candidate. Also what is being claimed is Kamala Harris having a Project 2028 plan for the US which would be enacted once elected.

As Josh points out there may be some issues with

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More on Arizona Politics and one particular representative

2 days ago

And Arizona has its share of nut-jobs too. One representative is more interested in controlling the lives of others. In particular those being the lives of women. And yes, one representative is making the right of women to control their lives an issue in Arizona. This is much like those creatures of control found in other states too.

Arizona is a state where others can decide for you what the better course in life is to take. You have to wonder why some find it so interesting in controlling the lives of others. Monetarily, they do not want to pay for the child’s birth, upbringing, education. That is still the mother’s problem. There is still a responsibility and a cost to this which a politician will ignore.

If it was their being under the

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Reprising Arizona, November’s Prop 138, and Driving

2 days ago

Living in Arizona has been a different experience than what we experienced in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Avoiding Winter is pleasant, but the heat of the summer keeps you inside. I believe it was a record year for the number of days above a certain temperature. Winter is shorter in comparison. Would I do the move knowing what I know now. The temperature is a factor we did not take much into consideration. A record year for temperatures being over 100 was not a thought. This morning it is 50 degrees out.

Quite a few propositions to decide upon in this election. A couple I dislike. Prop 138 allows establishment owners to reduce the minimum wage for wait staff, etc, by 25%. The thought here is they make more in tips. And the restaurant owner

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You shall not pass! Voting in Georgia and Alabama

5 days ago

I am very tired as of late. Having been working with our old server partner and getting prepared to go to a new server partner. The new partner appears to be more astute. Also working with our advertising partners to get better ads. Got a meeting with the VA next week to discuss my two years in and out of Lejeune and the water. Going through rehab the second time for my back. before they cut into it. Upcoming operation. Physical therapy going on also. Subscriber status to Civil Discourse.

Joyce Vance at Civil Discourse has some interesting words today. I am going to spend some time on them.

Good News Tonight from Georgia and Alabama

Early voting was getting underway, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney was gearing up to take

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Commenting and Commenters on Angry Bear

7 days ago

– For some reason (we are trying to find out why) Word Press and Askimet is deciding some commenters are new and need to be approved again. Both Joel and I are aware of this and are working with another group to fix the issue. The system was changed by input from somewhere else (WP?) and not involving hackers.

– We are also moving to a new server which is more in line with our needs.

– Advertisements. We have advertising which pays for our server and other needs. Not one cent goes into Joels or my pockets. I am not keen on popup advertisement as they take away from reading the posts and comments as they are typically centered. I am against ads that take a commenter to another place. Advertisements will appear on the sides.

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Executive summary for Renewables 2024

7 days ago

A year or two back, I had a conversation with the IEA about using their renewables data to present at Angry Bear. They asked that I keep true to the presentation. They also ask that I not use their oil reports as that is sold to customers of that report. It must be more detailed than what I could see.

The topic here is Global Renewables. As you read, you will find China is leading the world in Renewables. I do not know how technical China is on the use of them. I suspect it can be rather simple and yield a better result from the past.

Analysis – IEA

Global renewable capacity is expected to grow by 2.7 times by 2030, surpassing countries’ current ambitions by nearly 25%. It still falls short of tripling. Climate and energy security

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Why are They Litigating This at All?

8 days ago

You have to go to court and just sit there and listen to the stuff being said. You sit there and go huh? Jack would understand what I am saying. Making sense is not necessarily a part of deciding law. Perfect example being rifles and pistols acquired or purchased shall have a serial number. In fact, I would take it further to include other parts making the weapon function.

Here we are talking about guns or weapons which are bought partially finished. The buyer finishes the construction of them. There is no serial number for the mechanism which projects the bullet. It is still a bullet-spewing weapon, purchased, and completed. It is no different than buying a finished weapon. An agency assigned by Congress through the passage of a law is in charge.

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“Senator Vance, I’m just gonna say that local officials, local officials, and FEMA officials say that is just flat wrong.”

8 days ago

The report does say ABC News. However, I saw this first on Crooks and Liars as reported by David Edwards. You have to wonder how Corporal Vance ever ended up in the position he is in today. What does he do after a day of story telling to convince people he is right.

ABC News host Martha Raddatz grilled Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance after he struggled to defend former President Donald Trump’s claim. FEMA was not helping red states recover from recent hurricanes.

ABC News host Martha Raddatz grilled Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance after he struggled to defend former President Donald Trump’s claim that FEMA was not helping red states recover from recent hurricanes.

“During Hurricane Helene, as we heard, former

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Healthcare Premiums Soaring Even as Inflation Eases

9 days ago

If we were to look at the costs of healthcare insurance for families and businesses, it has not remained the same percentage-wise for employers or employees. My initial sentence is a backwards way of saying costs are increasing faster than gains in income for either.

Nothing has changed here and the foes to single payer in government and industry keep insisting this is the better way to provide healthcare. Edward Kennedy died too soon to help us with Single Payer.

Such a plan should not be exposed to governmental cuts due to politics. Indeed, it should be similar to Social Security. Something politicians should not mess with unless they do not value their status in Washington D, C. There is a better way to say this. It eludes me right now.

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Trends in Housing Affordability: Who Can Currently Afford to Buy a Home?

10 days ago

– Nadia Evangelou

National Association of Realtors

A good read explaining why things slowed down. Good introduction of why housing market fell apart since 2020. Much was due to the Fed Rate which was significantly higher than it normally was. People did not have the income to support a higher payment caused by a higher Mortgage Rate. Some excellent charting by NAR Calculations.

Housing affordability has been a critical issue in the housing market, affecting individuals, families, and entire communities. While the challenges associated with affording a home are not new, they have remained one of the main concerns in the housing market. This, particularly as higher mortgage rates have exacerbated the situation. The widening gap between income

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New Deal democrat Weekly Indicators for October 7-11

10 days ago

– by New Deal democrat

My “Weekly Indicators” post is up at Seeking Alpha. 

The long end of the yield curve has steepened, and that means longer term interest rates are higher. Meanwhile the Hurricanes have played havoc with some of the high frequency data.

As usual, clicking over and reading will help sort through the noise, and reward me a little bit for organizing and categorizing it for you.

The Bonddad Blog

New Deal democrats “Weekly Indicators” for September 30 – October 4, Angry Bear by New Deal democrat

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It’s harder to find work and that is unacceptable

11 days ago

By Claudia Sahm

Stay at Home Macro

Companies aren’t so worried that they’re letting a lot of people go, but they’re also not so confident that they’re hiring a lot of people.

This post, an excerpt from my (Sahm) new Bloomberg Opinion piece, is very important to me. I worry most about the drop in the hiring rate now—not so much about it being recessionary but about the lost potential. Also, there’s some personal news at the end.

The strong September print (Employment Situation Summary) was awesome after months of cooling in the labor market and reinforced other signs of economic strength. But one month doesn’t make a trend, and even with the Fed cutting rates, a sustained turnaround in hiring will take time.

In the latest

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Looks Like SCOTUS May Hold for the US on “Ghost” Guns

12 days ago

Court likely to let Biden’s “ghost guns” regulation stand, SCOTUS BLOG

I used the word firearms so as to include rifles also. I do not know from where the word “guns” evolved. Maybe those old Westerns? To this old Marine Sergeant, it is a firearm, a rifle or a pistol.

If you were careful, one could probably assemble a firearm from various other unusable weapons to make one good one. What the law does is make illegal the sale of the types of firearms not having a serial number. And yes they could file it off too. SCOTUS . . . And no, it does not stop them from doing so. If tou have ever been admitted to a state prison, it is not a place to be other than as a visitor.

The opponents/complainants to the new law/rule filed their complaint in

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Healthcare Insurance Benefits In 2024: Higher Premiums Persist

13 days ago

This is just a partial of a much longer commentary by Health Affairs on Employer healthcare insurance for single employees am employees with families. “Health Benefits In 2024: Higher Premiums Persist, Employer Strategies for GLP-1 Coverage and Family-Building Benefits,” Health Affairs.

I have used two of the charts to emphasis what is occurring. The first chart will show the variance between single and family coverage 1999-1924. The second chart (click on it to enlarge) will show employee contribution for single and family coverage. It also covers the various types of healthcare (PPO, HMO, etc.). It is also broken out by regions, types of employees, private or public firms, union, higher or lower wage employees, etc.

Hence why I used these two

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All About Trump

13 days ago

October 8, 2022

by Prof. Heather Cox-Richardson

Letters from an American

“It’s been a tradition for more than half a century that the major party candidates for president sit down with 60 Minutes in October,” host Scott Pelley said to the camera last night before 60 Minutes aired an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris. This year, both Harris and Republican nominee former president Donald Trump accepted an invitation for an interview.

“Then a week ago,” Pelley said, “Trump backed out. The campaign offered shifting explanations. First it complained that we would fact-check the interview. We fact-check every story,” Pelley said. “Later, Trump said he needed an apology for his interview in 2020. Trump claims correspondent Leslie Stahl

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The Return of Mr. Mike Rogers to Michigan

14 days ago

Just some political ranting on an old topic . . .

He couldn’t beat Debbie Stabenow to get into the Senate. So, he retired from the House.

Funny how Mike Rogers returns to Michigan after Senator Debbie Stabenow announces her plan to retire in 2023. But then when he left Michigan, he knew he could not beat Stabenow. A senate seat was the next step in his political climb and Stabenow was unbeatable.

So off to Florida he went for 10 years. Now he is back in Michigan wanting to be the Senator he could not be when Debbie Stabenow was in office. Mikie did not waste much time in getting richer having accumulated several million dollars and a $4 million home. Now that he is back in Michigan, he claims:

“he wants to talk about taking on

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October 7, 2024 – Waiting for the Next Hurricane to Hit

14 days ago

Letters from an American

by Prof. Heather Cox-Richardson

Feds trying to convince Florida Governor to take the funding for hurricane Milton damage. Better ask Mikie Johnson if that is ok. He was really having a hissy about the $20 billion setup for failure of aid. Biden just stepped right around him. Not bad for an old guy that can not think . . ..

While the Feds are getting ready for the next hurricane (Milton) to hit the US, Florida’s governor whose name will not be said here, is playing the political card and not answering the phone. Milton is supposed to be a real bad ass of hurricanes sporting a level 5+ attitude. That is occurring due to warmer water by 2.2 degrees Celsius than normal water. In any case, Florida residents and visitors

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Wason Poll: Harris Leads Trump by 11 points Among Virginia’s Likely Voters

15 days ago

Wason Oct 7 Survey 24

New Wason Poll: Harris Leads Trump by 11 points Among Virginia Likely Voters – Christopher Newport University (cnu.edu)

NEWPORT NEWS, VA — The Wason Center for Civic Leadership at Christopher Newport University today released its first statewide survey for the elections on November 5th. The survey indicates, Democrat Kamala Harris holds an 11-point lead over Republican Donald Trump, with support at 52% to Trump’s 41%. In the U.S. Senate race, incumbent Democrat Tim Kaine leads Republican Hung Cao by 20 points, securing 55% to 35%. Key issues shaping voter sentiment include inflation, threats to democracy, and abortion.

State of Virginia Summary of Key Findings:

Democrat Kamala Harris leads Republican Donald Trump by

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Bespectacled Mike Johnson says . . .

15 days ago

You all down South there can wait 30 more days for additional Federal relief after hurricane Helene has done the worst seen in decades and we decide how much more you will need. “Mike Johnson’s Big Decision Could Impact Helene Relief Efforts,” MSN. Its ok, he is one of them. His $20 billion should tide you over. What an ass . . .

Pre-Helene hurricane hitting land, Mike Johnson allocates $20 billion in relief funding. It now appears the Level 4 Helene may have caused far more damage than expected. Consider also, southern states run a leaner style of government. They do not believe in having rainy-day funding (I could be wrong here, but you will have to prove it).

House Majority Leader Mikie Johnson, the House Nerd says $20 billion is enough.

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How the Poverty Rate is Determined

16 days ago

One of the biggest issues in the US is who lives in poverty and how it is determined. People get upset when there are people living on food stamps. Unfortunately, many of us do not know how the government does determine poverty. I am hoping this may explain it somewhat.

This report is providing estimates of two measures of poverty: the Official Poverty measure and the more recent Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM).

Used since the 1960s, the Official Poverty measure defines poverty by comparing pretax money income to a national poverty threshold adjusted by family composition.

The Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) was first released in 2011 and is produced in collaboration with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The SPM extends the

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The Plan to destroy Obamacare

17 days ago

Some of the worst performing cars ever made looked great on the outside and had serious mechanical, etc. problems. Made in America and were flashy but they could not mechanically perform as well or last. It took a while before many of us growing up started to walk past the flash and bought something more dependable. With Trump selecting Vance he gains the flash . . . however, neither Republican candidate is dependable for US citizens. All flash and no go.

One healthcare policy put in place by the old guy in office today was to lower the costs of the ACA premiums until October 2025. Putting a time limit on it does create a political issue as to its renewal. Merril Goozner discusses the issue with the ACA and how J. D. Vance dances around it with a

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Exploring Communities in Europe Without Cars

18 days ago

Running on Empty tonight. VA sent me a letter asking for all the information I believe was already sent to them. Some I have found rather quickly by exploring U of M records. Platelet counts for certain periods when they just almost disappeared. I need to talk to them tomorrow and see what the issue is or was.

I have been in some of the little towns near Switzerland Rietheim-Weilheim, Germany comes to mind. Nice read . . . enjoy.

Villages Without Cars

 by Taras Grescoe

Straphanger Blog

In the Swiss Alps, I Explore an Automobile-Free Paradise

When you think about it, there are very few inhabited places in the world that haven’t been touched by automobile traffic. The empire of internal combustion and asphalt has stretched its

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“Did he lose the 2020 election?” and J.D. Vance Balks

19 days ago

This was the only question and answer that mattered. The Times and various other news outlets are elsewhere on the topic of losing the 2020 Election.

I remember William Saletan writing articles for Slate Magazine “The Fray” while I was in the comments section reading them and then doodahman;s comments picking Saletan’s commentary apart. William is picking up on an important topic which The Times and other news outlets are purposely ignoring. Ignoring for stupid reasons and coventrating on Tim Walz reactions to Vance’s false demeanor in the debate. Vance will recede back to what he was pre-debate. A false performance meant to deceive.

As to the news outlets, ageism appears to be their main thrust on the value of certain candidates.


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Vance’s big lie on the ACA

20 days ago

By Merrill Goozner


Obamacare (ACA) coverage fell every year of the Trump presidency and the uninsured rate rose. The truth in one chart.

Trump’s vice presidential pick J.D. Vance asserted during tonight’s debate that the former president “strengthened” the Affordable Care Act. In fact, he weakened it in a variety of ways, which I (Merrill) discussed in this article Health care at risk.

If you look closely at the blue bars during the Trump years, the number of people on Obamacare plans fell every year (except in 2020, the first year of the pandemic, when it was virtually unchanged. As a result, the uninsured rate in the U.S. stagnated and then rose during the Biden presidency.

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Manufactured Evidence of Voter Fraud

21 days ago

Coming from the Brennan Center of Justice, I can not think there would be a more trustworthy or accurate source to present evidence of this type of misinformation. And it is a childish incident Brennan is revealing to the general public. It raises a remark or the question of who does or stoops to this type of misinformation or lie?

Time and time again it has been shown noncitizens do not purposely vote in US elections. First, they do not want the exposure. Second, they do not want to be caught. Third, why risk being deported for a crime? Deported after being jailed . . .

Maybe the Republican voters believe in this type of lie?

From the People Who Brought You Project 2025: Manufactured Evidence of Voter Fraud

by Jasleen Singh


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Fluoride ruling pushes EPA for regulatory action

21 days ago

Growing up and having Fluoride in the water was a big deal for stronger teeth. It was also in toothpaste. There is a whole industry that has grown up around the use of Fluoride in the water and in toothpaste. In Boot Camp, we were given a special and stronger treatment of fluoride. Now they are coming out with reasons not to use Fluoride above a certain level. ​

Global Water – Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. recently sent a notice to customers in the City of Maricopa regarding the level of fluoride in drinking water.  The drinking water in the City of Maricopa meets all requirements of the Safe Water Drinking Act.  However, we notified customers in 2023 and again in 2024, that the fluoride levels were increasing.  We also began making necessary

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Health Care Reform and the 2024 Elections

23 days ago

Health Care Reform and the 2024 U.S. Elections — Low Visibility, High Stakes.

by Jonathan Oberlander, Ph.D.

New England Journal of Medicine

Exploring the what-ifs in healthcare and the ACA in an election year. What if Trump wins the presidency and Repubs control the House and the Senate. The author discusses the alternatives also.

Abortion and reproductive health have emerged as a major focus in the 2024 U.S. presidential campaign. The 2022 Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, and the ensuing spread of abortion bans and restrictions in many states, has propelled the issue to the forefront of American politics. Beyond the presidential contest, 10 states have measures to protect abortion rights on the ballot this year,

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Abbreviated Report on Income in the US for 2023

23 days ago

I only provided a portion of the report and the 6 figures (one through six). The full report on Income can be found here: Income in the United States: 2023, Gloria Guzman and Melissa Kollar.

The economy was not as bad as the politicians and trump make it out to be, The numbers do not support their contention.

Some stats: As reported, median household income in 2023 was higher than in 2022. Income inequality was not significantly different between 2022 and 2023. Total number of workers increased by 2.2 million.

More numbers: The report provides estimates of household income, income inequality, and worker earnings in the United States for 2023. Median household income was $80,610, a 4.0 percent increase from the 2022 estimate.

For most

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Cage Wrestling Returns on October 1 Vance v Walz

24 days ago

Is it ok to forgo the “needless to say” phrase to introduce an idea or expectation already known? Yeah probably. What is going to happen on October 1 is a cage fight or no holds barred mental-wrestling event with no physical contact.

The two VP candidates will go at it on national TV with probable open (or hot) mikes (it sells more advertising). Moderators will not be able to challenge a candidate’s statements for authenticity. I am sure we will hear about false claims by each candidate the next couple of days after the big event. In which the candidate’s supporters will challenge each and every one as being incredulous.

Norah O’Donnell and “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan will moderate the vice-presidential debate. Neither has

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the “Alabamization of America”

24 days ago

I have a collection of sources I can pull from to use here at Angry Bear. Joyce @ Civil Discourse is one of them. Prof Heather Cox Richardson @ Letters from an American is another. Robert Reich, Merrill Goozner @ GoozNews, Lloyd Alter @ Carbon Upfront, etc. It allows me to present information I would have to hunt for and then edit it to fit. There are others too. I think they are pretty interesting.

PS: I joined these sites to read and gather information. Some do not like my straightforward commentary.

Five Questions with WAPO Columnist Jen Rubin

by Joyce Vance

In 2020 it was the Big Lie, Trump’s claim the election was stolen from him. That was the match Trump used to try and light the country on fire that time. With the 2024 election

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