Born on April Fool's Day in 1942, Martin Weitzman died yesterday on August 27, 2019 at age 77. Several of us here had long advocated that he share the first Nobel Prize to be given for environmental economics. That award seems to have been given last fall, but only William Nordhaus got it for environmental while Paul Romer shared the prize for endogenous growth theory. Mary missed out unfortunately, even though many of us think his work was more important than Nordhaus's. But he was...
Read More »Prudence, Vice and Misery
In his newly published Limits: Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care, Giorgos Kallis challenges what has become the conventional perversion of Robert Malthus's economic argument. Far from being a "prophet of doom" predicting the inevitable overshoot by population growth of food supplies, Malthus was an advocate of industrial progress as the antidote to a providential discrepancy between the tendency of humans to reproduce and the capacity of the land to feed them. The...
Read More »Digital Sales Tax v. Tariffs on French Wine
Even before Donald Trump departed for the G7 in Biarritz France, he threatened another trade war this time with the host country over the digital sales tax: U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday reiterated criticism of a French proposal to levy a tax aimed at big U.S. technology companies and threatened again to retaliate by taxing French wine. Speaking to reporters at the White House before leaving for a Group of Seven summit in France, Trump said he is not a “big fan” of tech companies...
Read More »Cheerleading for Austerity
Not content to follow a news strategy that maximizes Trump’s prospects for re-election, the New York Times leads today with a story that combines economic illiteracy and reactionary scaremongering in a preview of what we’re likely to see in the 2020 presidential race.“Budget Deficit Is Set to Surge Past $1 Trillion” screams the headline, and the article throws around a mix of dollar estimates and vague statements about growth trends, leavened with quotes from budget scolds from both...
Read More »Record Income Taxes?
I should read more posts from Kevin Drum: The Yahoo News reporter comes close to explaining what happened by noting that there were more returns in 2018 than 2017. As you might guess, this happens every year as the US population increases. So let’s take a look at personal income tax receipts adjusted for inflation and population growth ... In reality, income tax receipts were down 2.6 percent in 2018 compared to 2017. What this means, unsurprisingly, is that when you cut tax rates you get...
Read More »“Tougher On Trade Than Trump”?
This is how the NY Times has presented things day before yesterday, apparently lamenting that the Dem candidates are going to have a tough time presenting themselves as "tougher on trade than Trump." This somehow presumes that this is what they must do to win the election, and at least one has been making virtually this claim: good old Bernie. A few have mumbled vaguely about Trump hurting farmers in the Midwest, but not too loudly as it seems that hardly any of them have anything that can...
Read More »Eco-Fascism Roundup
Below is a collection of essays written in the wake of the El Paso mass shooting and the alleged shooter's manifesto:What is Eco-Fascism, the Ideology Behind Attacks in El Paso and Christchurch?Luke Darby GQ @dukelarbyThe Eco-Fascism of the El Paso Shooter Haunts the Techno-Optimism of the LeftJesse Goldstein Society + Space @JesseGoldstnEco-Fascisms and Eco-Socialisms Max Ajl Verso Books @ajl_maxAfter the El Paso Massacre, the Choice Is Green Socialism or Eco-Fascism Jeet Heer The Nation...
Read More »Goats and Dogs, Eco-Fascism and Liberal Taboos
When remembered at all, Edward Abbey is mostly thought of as an environmentalist and anarchist but there is no gainsaying the racism and xenophobia on display in his 1983 essay, "Immigration and Liberal Taboos." The opinion piece was originally solicited by the New York Times, which ultimately declined to publish it -- or to pay him the customary kill fee. It was subsequently rejected by Harper's, The Atlantic, The New Republic, Rolling Stone, Newsweek, Mother Jones and Playboy before...
Read More »Have We Been Blocked?
I just tried to read Econospeak and was told it was blocked due to "porn content." Has anyone else run into this? Are we being hacked and suppressed? It said "contact system administrator if this is wrong." Can this get fixed, please, somebody?As it is, I am on vacation in Door County, Wisconsin right now.Barkley Rosser
Read More »Krugman on Trump and Trade: Not Tariffic
I’m no fan of the Trump tariff tantrum, but weak criticism of it does no one a service. And while I agree with Paul Krugman on a lot of things, he has a long history of being misguided on trade policy. Alas, his op-ed in today’s New York Times continues the legacy of the Bad Krugman, not the good one.Before getting to the theoretical meat, let’s take a moment to observe the holes in his argument that should have been identified and vetted before publication.1. He cites a graphic from the...
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