The Washington Post today (on p. A11) has a revealing story about how President Trump has essentially shafted an important world leader who may have tried harder than any other to please and appease Trump from the moment he became president, with the story ironically reporting that supposedly Trump views the friendly feeling as mutual and has said much more respectful things about this leader than almost any other, with perhaps Vladimir Putin being the prime exception. This world leader is...
Read More »Has Trump Gone Over The Edge On Negotiating With Canada?
He may well have. Facing the deadline for submitting his deal with Mexico to Congress on Friday, he did so. However, he did so without Canada signed on, the apparently intense negotiations in Washington between Canadian Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland and US Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer having failed to come to an agreement. With both the Mexican leaders and major Republican senators saying they will not approve without Canada on board, this makes for a very dicey...
Read More »China Starts Yuan/RMB Futures Maeket
Juan Cole reports that Reuters reports that China is establishing a commodities futures market in Shanghai that will operate in yuan/rmb. According to the report the commodity that is most expected to be traded is crude petroleum. This will put this exchange in competition with the West Texas intermediate crude market, the London-based Brent crude market, and the Dubai market, all of which operate in US dollars.Supposedly a main motive for establishing this market is to provide an outlet...
Read More »The End is Nigh!
Marrying NAFTA and The TPP: The “US-Mexico Trade Agreement”
I really am not sure where to begin with this latest farce, Trump's announcement yesterday of a supposed US-Mexico Free Trade Agreement. Of course there was the farce of him trying to make the announcement with a live phone call between him and outgoing Mexican President Pena-Nieto (to be replaced on Dec. 1 by leftist populist Obrador), which took awhile to get going. There is the problem that some details appear to be unresolved, but most importantly that Pena-Nieto insisted four times...
Read More »Mohammed Bin Salman Of Saudi Arabia In Trouble?
This is what Juan Cole reports today from several sources. Supposedly, as I reported here earlier, even though it was supposedly denied, the Saudi ARAMCO IPO deal is off. The new reports have it that the final decision on this came from King Salman of Saudi Arabia, the father of the power hungry Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MbS), who has been the main advocate of the IPO as part of his Vision 2030 plan. The king has up until now pretty much let MbS have his way on many matters, from...
Read More »Are We Alone In The Galaxy (Or Maybe Even The Universe?)
In 1938 Orson Welles put on a radio show in New York City that dramatized the famous novel by H.G. Wells, _The War of the Worlds_. This novel is about an invasion of Planet Earth by intelligent beings from Planet Mars, with this invasion just barely being defeated. Several movies have been made of this famous novel, probably the first to present this now long-running sc-fi theme of our planet being invaded by aliens from outer space. However, whar was especially important about this...
Read More »Hannity as Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels famously said that if you want to convince a populace of A Big Lie (fake news), then you do it by repeating it, over and over and over again. For a long time I havebou been keeping an eye on Hannity, reportedly nightly conversing with Trump after his show. What struck me some time ago how repetitive the core pats of his introductory monologue are. I have increasingly noticed that pro-Trump people seem to believe pretty much all of this super-repeated core Hannity-Trump...
Read More »The Nastiest Motives of Nasty People
"Economists are active militants against the concept of the lump of labor, that is, the popular idea that the total number of jobs or of working hours is fixed (Walker, 2007)." The quote is the first line from a 2017 paper by Tito Boeri, et al. It gives me confidence that at least some of the time my message is getting through.The image below is from a 2018 report published by the Roosevelt Institute. It tells me there is still a huge amount of work to be done teaching people about the...
Read More »Saudi ARAMCO IPO Definitely Cancelled
Reuters reports that the proposed IPO by Saudi ARAMCO, which would have been the world's largest, has definitely been canceled. I have posted previously posted about delays in the IPO and rumors it would be cancelled. Now it has been.The reports say that there were multiple factors. There were problems with finding a venue for the IPO, with the last candidate being the exchange in Riyadh. There were reports that what was originally planned to be a public offering had turned into a...
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