“The reason we formed DiEM25 was the diagnosis that old wine in new bottles will not help revive the spirits of progressives in Italy or in the rest of Europe.” Aldo Cazzullo, Corriere Della Sera (AC): Let us start from the beginning? Why did you decide to resign after OXI’s victory in the Greek referendum? Yanis Varoufakis (YV): Because that very night, when I spoke to Prime Minister Tsipras, he declared...
Read More »Argentina back on the debt train
THE HUDSON REPORT: Argentina gets biggest IMF loan in history. July 9, 2018. Left Out: In this episode, Paul Sliker speaks with Michael Hudson about the economic and political implications of the International Monetary Fund’s $50 billion loan to Argentina, which is the largest IMF credit line in history. Find the audio here Paul Sliker: Michael Hudson welcome back to the Hudson report. Michael Hudson: It’s good to be back. Much has happened while I was away for a few...
Read More »Varoufakis Says There’s an EU Crisis, Not a Refugee Crisis – Bloomberg
[embedded content] Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis discusses the European Union agreement on migration which he calls “a fudge” and “complete failure.” He speaks on “Bloomberg Surveillance.” (Source: Bloomberg) June 29th, 2018, 2:05 PM GMT+0300
Read More »Germany has been wasting its wealth in a manner that prevents the rest of the Eurozone from earning its keep – Video interview for Mission Money, Munich
[embedded content] [embedded content] Er galt als der große Euro-Schreck während seiner Amtszeit als griechischer Finanzminister! Doch waren die Vorwürfe von Politikern und Medien gegen Yanis Varoufakis wirklich gerechtfertigt? Im Interview mit der Mission Money vertritt Varoufakis spannende Positionen. Deutschland dürfe nicht für Pleite-Staaten haften, fordert er. Und außerdem werde...
Read More »China’s Export Competitiveness = Underpaying Women
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Read More »China’s Export Competitiveness = Underpaying Women
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Max Keiser probes away on my recent visit to China. We delve into the Chinese development model.
Read More »Academic Propaganda Protecting US Financial Imperialism
Academic Propaganda Protecting US Financial Imperialism | Michael Hudson Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503) Reason: Exceeded the maximum global requests per minute for crawlers or humans. Important note for site admins: If you are the administrator of this website note that your access has been limited because you broke one of the Wordfence blocking rules. The reason your access was limited is: "Exceeded the...
Read More »Academic Propaganda Protecting US Financial Imperialism
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Read More »On the EU’s battle with Italy – in conversation with Phillip Adams, on Late Night Live, ABC Radio National
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Read More »Interviewed by Vanity Fair Italia on the new 5S-Lega government – Read the original Q&A in English
Vanity Fair’s interviewed me on the new Italian government (see here). The complete, original Q&A follows below: So, Italy has finally a government. New Premier is Giuseppe Conte, a technician who was never elected. Do you think this is acceptable? The new government has the consent of the majority of parliament. So, it is legitimate. My regret is that the Left has failed to garner enough electoral support...
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