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Tag Archives: Politics and Economics

Mantener la unidad de la izquierda de manera progresista y eficaz -Pú

Lecciones desde Grecia y España Yanis VaroufakisEconomista y exministro de Finanzas de Grecia La experiencia de Syriza pesa en la conciencia colectiva de la izquierda europea. Es importante que aprendamos de esta experiencia y resurjamos más unidos, progresistas y eficaces en la tan apremiante como necesaria consecución de una agenda paneuropea humanista. En enero de 2015 fuimos elegidos para enfrentarnos al catastrófico «programa» griego de la troika y, al hacerlo, reiniciar...

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Brexit and Spain: Interviewed by El Diario

24/06/2016 – 20:27h Yanis Varufakis en la redacción de en una foto de archivo Yanis Varufakis, exministro de Finanzas de Grecia, nos atiende desde Roma en un día en el que su teléfono no para de sonar con periodistas de todo el mundo recabando su opinión. Su movimiento DiEM25 está enfocado a lograr “la redemocratización de la UE” e interpretan el Brexit como un triunfo de la Troika. ¿Qué análisis de urgencia haría ante el resultado del referéndum? Pues es muy...

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Brexit won’t shield Britain from the horror of a disintegrating EU

Bringing democrats together across borders is needed now to prevent a slide into a xenophobic, 1930s-like abyss Click here for The Guardian site or… Yanis Varoufakis Leave won because too many British voters identified the EU with authoritarianism, irrationality and contempt for parliamentary democracy while too few believed those of us who claimed that another EU was possible. I campaigned for a radical remain vote reflecting the values of our pan-European Democracy in...

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A discussion worth revisiting at this historic post-Brexit juncture

Today is a historic day. Post-Brexit the EU is entering a new, furious phase of disintegration. DiEM25’s initial response can be read here. Tomorrow I sum up my reaction in two articles (one in The Guardian and one in Project Syndicate – plus a Greek one in Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών). Till then I think it useful to revisit the 26th April discussion I was honoured to have with Noam Chomsky at the New York Public Library. [embedded content]

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Mr Stournaras’ New Deal: Too late, too cynical

In April 2015 I was vilified for refusing to bow to the troika’s demands for a ridiculously high 3.5% primary surplus and for countering the creditors’ failed ‘program’ with a growth plan dubbed A New Deal for Greece. Not only was I vilified by the troika but I had to deal with a Governor of the Bank of Greece who was fully in cahoots with the troika, backing the creditors rejection of my New Deal proposals and even claiming that my insistence on A New Deal cost Greece 85 billion euros!...

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Spanish election campaign begins (and so does the smear campaign)

Yes, the Spanish general election campaign has begun and the forces of regression have chosen to begin their smear campaign by targeting Ada Colau, the Mayor of Barcelona and one of DiEM25 initiators. The charge? That she spent local government money to bring me to Barcelona. Of course, that this is a lie does not concern the right wing Ciudadanos folk who, at once, profess to clean up politics and smear comrades like Ada Colau. And now the truth (for those who crave the facts): I was,...

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Interview in El Confidencial on Europe & the Spanish election

FOR THE PUBLISHED VERSION IN SPANISH, CLICK HERE. For the original Q&A (in English)… -Has Europe become a new bureaucracy? Are we governed by technocrats? As you describe them in the book, European Union and the European Central Bank have turned into completely inefficient organizations. Have they?  The Commission was, from the beginning, devised as the bureaucracy to run the affairs of a heavy industry central European cartel. This is not new. What is newer is the ECB that was...

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Οn contemporary capitalism’s preposterous reversal of the truth

Thanks to Mark Carrigan for posting this (based on this article in The Guardian). “This isn’t a new idea” writes Mark,”but I’ve rarely encountered it expressed so concisely: The idea that individuals create wealth and that all governments do is come along and tax them is what Varoufakis calls “a preposterous reversal of the truth”. “There is an amazing myth in our enterprise culture that wealth is created individually and then appropriated by the state to be distributed. “We are...

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