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Tag Archives: replications

IPA’s weekly links

WHO measles surveillance dataGuest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action Thanks for being patient while the links were sleeping, expect some summer disruptions of schedule as wellMeasles cases are up 300% over last year with outbreaks in the U.S., Europe, The Philippines, Myanmar, and several African countries. I heard a PSA that adults vaccinated before a certain period (when the vaccine process changed) might no longer be immune. So I got checked and sure enough I wasn’t,...

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IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. The links are back from vacation. We may have a few back links to catch up on over the next weeks, so here we go: Rachel Meager has public speaking tips for economists. If you want to catch up on a Twitter conversation including me, Chris, and a bunch of other people responding to the Cuddy article on what replication fights in psych mean for econ there’s a 168-slide storify here. I wondered if econ is happily driving along at...

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IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. The links are back from vacation. We may have a few back links to catch up on over the next weeks, so here we go: Rachel Meager has public speaking tips for economists. If you want to catch up on a Twitter conversation including me, Chris, and a bunch of other people responding to the Cuddy article on what replication fights in psych mean for econ there’s a 168-slide storify here. I wondered if econ is happily driving...

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IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. The links are back from vacation. We may have a few back links to catch up on over the next weeks, so here we go: Rachel Meager has public speaking tips for economists. If you want to catch up on a Twitter conversation including me, Chris, and a bunch of other people responding to the Cuddy article on what replication fights in psych mean for econ there’s a 168-slide storify here. I wondered if econ is happily driving along at...

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