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Tag Archives: Review

My review of Banerjee & Duflo’s (this year’s Nobel winners in economics) latest book – The Observer

REVIEW: Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems, by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo A recent YouGov survey confirmed that economists are the least trusted professionals in the UK today. Brexit is only the latest contributor to the public’s understandable rejection of a profession that has either failed spectacularly to raise the alarm over impending crises or have provided...

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CRASHED: Long version of my Observer review of Adam Tooze’s new book on the Crash of 2008

Every so often humanity manages genuinely to surprise itself. Events to which we had previously assigned zero probability push us into what the ancient Greeks referred to as aporia: a state of intense bafflement urgently demanding a new model of the world we live in. The Crash of 2008 was such a moment. Suddenly, the world ceased to make sense in terms of what, a few weeks before, passed as conventional wisdom –...

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Was defeat inevitable? A review of Adam Tooze’s meta-review of ‘Adults in the Room’ [1]

To read one excellent review of one’s book is a joy. To read an engaging and deeply thoughtful review of different categories of reviews of one’s book is a rare privilege. Normally, I should have left matters there, enjoying the diversity of opinion that Adults in the Room engendered. But this is not an academic book whose work is done. Its subject-matter concerns really suffering people and a continent – Europe...

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“La batalla de Varoufakis contra el ‘establishment’ europeo es el libro del año” – Review of Adults in the Room (Spanish edition) in El Confidencial, by RAMÓN GONZÁLEZ FÉRRIZ

El libro de memorias de Yanis Varoufakis sobre sus poco más de cinco meses como ministro de Finanzas griego, ‘Comportarse como adultos. Mi batalla contra el establishment europeo‘, (Deusto) es, probablemente, el libro del año. Y lo es por muchas razones: su narración de las maratonianas reuniones del Eurogrupo sobre la posible reestructuración de la deuda griega y los paquetes de ayuda constituye una mirada...

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Review of French edition of Adults in the Room – in LE GRAND CONTINENT

« Nous allons, en même temps que le possesseur d’argent et le possesseur de force de travail, quitter cette sphère bruyante où tout se passe à la surface et aux regards de tous, pour les suivre tous deux dans le laboratoire secret de la production, sur le seuil duquel il est écrit : no admittance except on business. »               – Marx, Le Capital Que l’homme que l’on a présenté comme un dangereux trublion...

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Allein gegen die Troika (Alone with the troika) – review of German edition of ‘Adults in the Room’, by Wilfried Loth in FAZ

Schon als Minister legte er Wert auf große Gesten. Yanis Varoufakis bleibt sich auch in diesem Buch treu. Νein, die ganze Geschichte der Auseinandersetzung um die Griechenland-Hilfe im ersten Halbjahr 2015 ist das nicht, was Yanis Varoufakis, der erste Finanzminister der Regierung von Alexis Tsipras in diesem umfangreichen Memoirenwerk bietet. Es ist eine Abfolge von Gesprächen, zum Teil mit Wortlaut-Zitaten aus...

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Varoufakis: “No se engañen, la crisis sigue ahí: el euro corre peligro” – El Pais, 2/1/2018

El exministro de Finanzas griego ha publicado un libro sobre las entretelas de la política europea Yanis Varoufakis, exministro de Finanzas de Grecia. Barcelona, 9 de noviembre de 2017 ALBERT GARCIA Polémico. Atractivo. Brillante. Controvertido. Los seis meses de Yanis Varoufakis(Atenas, 1961) al frente del Ministerio de Finanzas de Grecia lo convirtieron en una celebridad global, en una suerte de estrella...

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NYT: “What to Get Theresa May for Christmas?” Answer: Adults in the Room!

LONDON — If Santa is listening, here’s a suggestion about what to deliver Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain and David Davis, her chief Brexit negotiator: a copy of Yanis Varoufakis’s “Adults in the Room.” Mr. Varoufakis is the former Greek finance minister and his book sets out in excruciating detail the story of the 2015 negotiations between Greece’s government and its creditors. It feels like necessary...

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‘Adults in the Room’ and ‘And the Weak Suffer What They Must?’ reviewed by B. Baumer for the INDYPENDENT

  Along with French economist Thomas Piketty, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis is making economics sexy again. Journalists enjoyed snapping photos of Varoufakis, clad in a black leather coat, commuting to the finance ministry’s offices on his Yamaha motorcycle. But his short tenure in the Greek government was marked by clashes with the country’s creditors and ultimately with the leadership of...

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Adults in the Room – reviewed by C. Collier for Brave New Europe

How far should economists engage in day-to-day politics? “Researchers have an obligation to society to take positions on questions on which they have acquired professional competence,” says French economist Jean Tirole[1]. But how does an academic do this when media are not, in Tirole’s words, his ‘natural habitat’? Yanis Varoufakis, in his recent incarnation as visiting professor at the University of Texas,...

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