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Yanis Varoufakis Interview | Oxford Political Review

OPR Editor-in-Chief Brian Wong and Managing Editor Nicholas Leah speak with Professor Yanis Varoufakis - a former Minister of Finance in the Greek Government, a leading economist and philosopher, Member of Parliament in Greece, and the author of several high-acclaimed books. They discuss COVID-19, Brexit, the Eurozone, Austerity, Greek/European politics and Professor Varoufakis's new book. The interview was originally live streamed on the OPR's Facebook page. About OPR: The Oxford Political Review is an Oxford-based publication with a global reach. OPR publishes a quarterly journal and regular articles on current affairs, political theory, and international relations, as well as conducting interviews and podcasts with prominent academics and public figures around the world.

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OPR Editor-in-Chief Brian Wong and Managing Editor Nicholas Leah speak with Professor Yanis Varoufakis - a former Minister of Finance in the Greek Government, a leading economist and philosopher, Member of Parliament in Greece, and the author of several high-acclaimed books. They discuss COVID-19, Brexit, the Eurozone, Austerity, Greek/European politics and Professor Varoufakis's new book. The interview was originally live streamed on the OPR's Facebook page.

About OPR: The Oxford Political Review is an Oxford-based publication with a global reach. OPR publishes a quarterly journal and regular articles on current affairs, political theory, and international relations, as well as conducting interviews and podcasts with prominent academics and public figures around the world.
Yanis Varoufakis
An accidental economist Let me begin with a confession: I am a Professor of Economics who has never really trained as an economist. But let’s take things one at a time.

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