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Home / Video / Yanis Varoufakis with Ruth Wishart at the Edinburgh Book Festival, August 18, 2018 DiEM25

Yanis Varoufakis with Ruth Wishart at the Edinburgh Book Festival, August 18, 2018 DiEM25

Hi, today I released a new video with DIEM-25, so I wish you a pleasant listening and don't forget to like and subscribe!

Yanis Varoufakis considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Robert Waldmann writes What Chinese Invasion Fleet ?

NewDealdemocrat writes FHFA and Case Shiller repeat sales indexes show YoY price growth has peaked; slow deceleration in shelter CPI should continue

Bill Haskell writes Five Men at Atomic Ground Zero

Joel Eissenberg writes The COVID vaccines are really, really safe

Hi, today I released a new video with DIEM-25, so I wish you a pleasant listening and don't forget to like and subscribe!
Yanis Varoufakis
An accidental economist Let me begin with a confession: I am a Professor of Economics who has never really trained as an economist. But let’s take things one at a time.

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