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Bill McColloch

Articles by Bill McColloch

On Sraffa and the History of Economic Thought

September 30, 2018

Opening comments, "Roundtable on Sraffian Economics as Part of the Radical Political Economics Tradition," URPE 50th Anniversary Conference, September 28th, 2018.

What should the purpose of studying the history of economic thought be? That purpose doesn’t, of course, have to be singular, but it’s a question that I regularly feel pushed to answer as I often find myself teaching undergraduate courses in the history of economic thought, as I’m sure many of us do. At one level I feel fortunate to find myself in a heterodox program that welcomes the study of the history of economic thought, and in fact requires our undergraduates to take a course in it. But I also feel the need to justify the course’s place in the curriculum. Indeed I normally spend the first day of class questioning,

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