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Paul Steinhardt

Videos by Paul Steinhardt

Paul Steinhardt | Wikipedia audio article

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Paul Steinhardt 00:00:20 1 Academic work 00:04:18 2 Inflationary cosmology 00:04:28 2.1 Development of theory 00:07:35 2.2 Criticism 00:07:43 2.2.1 The multiverse 00:10:12 2.2.2 The unlikeliness problem 00:11:34 3 Cyclic/ekpyrotic theory of the universe 00:11:45 3.1 Early development 00:13:24 3.2 Notable features 00:15:00 3.3 Predictions 00:16:33 …

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NBIA – Paul Steinhardt

Kongress: Für ein anderes Europa – Alternativen zum neoliberalen europäischen Projekt – Paul Steinhardt über Keynesianismus, Nationale Souveränität & Front National (Frankreich) – Mehr. Gerade in Krisenzeiten warne ich vor einem neuen naiven Keynesianismus. All zu schnell werden Rufe nach dem Staat laut. Aber Vorsicht: direkter staatlicher Eingriff führt in der Regel zu.

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Paul Steinhardt – “Cosmology in a False Vacuum” (SidneyFest 2005)

Greg Moore’s Introduction of Paul Steinhardt followed by Paul Steinhardt’s talk, “Cosmology in a False Vacuum” This talk is one of many talks from SidneyFest 2005: QFT & QCD: PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE (March 18-19, 2005) The rest of the conference talks can be downloaded from

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Paul Steinhardt – Why is an Inflationary Universe so Astounding?

The very early universe likely underwent a period of enormous expansion called “inflation.” This revolutionary theory stunned cosmology. It solved knotty problems of universal structure, but it also opened vast new vistas of the entire cosmos, filled with multiple universes. Here’s the story of the discovery of inflation, told first-person by its founders. Click here …

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LRSM 50th Anniversary Celebration: Paul J. Steinhardt

On May 4, 2012, the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter (LRSM) celebrated its 50th Birthday with a memorable event that attracted over 220 attendees from around the world. The celebratory symposium and dinner combined historical recollections with the current research at the LRSM. In this video is Paul J. Steinhardt, Princeton University …

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Paul Steinhardt: Der Euro ist faktisch eine Fremdwährung

Paul Steinhardt, Mitherausgeber von, erklärt in diesem Vortrag, warum die Probleme der Eurozone mit dem Euro nicht zu lösen sind. Der Euro sei für die Mitgliedsländer faktisch eine Fremdwährung, auf die sie keinen Einfluss hätten. Eigentlich sei eine keynesianische Wirtschaftspolitik mit Investitionsprogrammen notwendig aber im Euro-Regime nicht möglich. Sein Lösungsvorschlag ist, die einvernehmliche Auflösung …

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Filling the Big Gap in Einstein’s Theory | Paul Steinhardt | TEDxCLESalon

Paul Steinhardt is a theoretical physicist whose research spans cosmology, astrophysics, particle physics, condensed matter physics, geophysics and photonics. Paul Steinhardt is a theoretical physicist whose research spans cosmology, astrophysics, particle physics, condensed matter physics, geophysics and photonics. He is one of the architects of inflationary cosmology, a modification of the big bang theory that …

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Paul Steinhardt – What Does a Fine-Tuned Universe Mean?

Click here for more thoughts on the meaning of the fine-tuned universe Click here for more video interviews with Paul Steinhardt Click here to buy episodes of Closer To Truth For all of our video interviews please visit us at

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Two Paul Steinhardt Projects: The “Cyclic Universe” and “Quasicrystals”

Science for the Public ( April 30, 2013, Belmont Media Center, Belmont MA Paul Steinhardt, Ph.D., The Albert Einstein Professor in Science at Princeton University, and Director of the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science. Professor Steinhardt is a faculty member of both the Department of Physics and Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton. Description: One …

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What Was the Big Bang Really? | Paul Steinhardt | The Search for the Theory of Everything

Paul Steinhardt, Professor of Physics at Princeton, discusses the misleading nature of the title “the Big Bang” and explains how physicists know it was less of a “bang” and more of a “stretch.” Directed by: Elizabeth Puccini, Tristan Waldroop Produced by: Elizabeth Puccini, Tristan Waldroop Director of Photography: Tristan Waldroop Edited by: …

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Zapytani o historię Wszechświata, odpowiemy zapewne: Wielki Wybuch, promieniowanie, cząstki, rozszerzanie, ucieczka galaktyk… Ale może to tylko znikomy ułamek historii, mówi Paul J. Steinhardt (ur. 1952), szef Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, jednego z paru najjaśniejszych punktów na naukowej mapie świata. Może Wielki Wybuch nie był wcale Wielkim Początkiem, ale efektem zaledwie jednego z nieskończenie …

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Two Paul Steinhardt Projects: “Cyclic Universe” and “Quasicrystals”

Science for the Public’s “Contemporary Science” program 4/30/13. Paul Steinhardt, PhD, the Albert Einstein Professor in Science, Princeton University, and Director of the Princeton Center of Theoretical Science. One of the greatest theoretical physicists of our time, Paul Steinhardt is extraordinary in terms of his range and depth. In this program he discusses two of …

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Inflationary cosmology on trial

Watch video of the Seyfert Lecture featuring Dr. Paul J. Steinhardt, the Albert Einstein Professor in Science and director of the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science at Princeton University. Steinhardt, who is also on the faculty of both the Department of Physics and the Department of Astrophysical Sciences, spoke at Vanderbilt March 17, 2011. He …

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Gadgetoff 2007 – Paul Steinhardt

Did the universe emerge from a big bang or from a cyclic collision of two parallel universes? Paul hints that the later is more likely in his rapid summation of cosmic theories.

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