Last weekend, the G7 ministers announced their intention to apply a minimum tax rate of 15% on the offshore profits of multinationals. Let us be clear: if we leave it at that, it is nothing more and nothing less than the formalisation of a real licence to defraud for the most powerful players. For small and medium-sized enterprises as well as for the working and middle classes, it is impossible to create a subsidiary to relocate its profits or income to a tax haven. For all these...
Read More »What I learned from Thomas Piketty Capital in the 21st Century (and Floyd Mayweather)
In most of history and most countries, the top decile owned most of the total wealth. This could be assumed as a constant of societies. Governments and laws of course play a role in smoothing out the distribution to make it fairer, but the scope of its impacts in my opinion will stay limited. What you can do instead is to Become So Good They Can't Ignore You (Cal Newport). I highly recommend reading Cal Newport's books: Become So Good They Can't Ignore You and Deep Work. You can check his...
Read More »Thomas PIKETTY, introduce Francesco MANACORDA – 2021 – Per un socialismo partecipativo – Visioni
Occorre un sistema che consenta un’ampia condivisione del potere, della ricchezza e della gestione delle imprese. Un socialismo partecipativo, che superi i limiti sia del capitalismo che del socialismo di Stato.
Read More »Thomas PIKETTY, Francesco MANACORDA – 2021 – Participatory socialism vs state socialism – Visions
The need for power sharing, co-management and the permanent circulation of wealth, and the difference both with old and new forms of state intervention in Europe and the USA and state socialism in China.
Read More »Agora-slipp: Thomas Piketty
Tidsskriftet Agora publiserte et nytt nummer med Thomas Piketty som tema og med hovedfokus på hans siste bok Kapital og ideologi. Det inneholder åtte bidrag av sosiologer, økonomer, historikere, filosofer og statsvitere, et intervju og ikke minst et omfattende essay som Piketty har skrevet spesielt for dette nummeret. Paneldeltakere: - Jørgen Pedersen, postdoktor filosofi, Universitetet i Bergen - Ingrid Hjertaker, stipendiat, Høgskolen i Innlandet - Sigrun...
Read More »Tassa alle multinazionali, l’economista Piketty: "15%? Scandaloso definirlo un grande risultato"
di Franz Baraggino e Gaia Scacciavillani
Read More »Agora-slipp: Thomas Piketty
Agenda sammen med tidsskriftet Agora lansere deres ferskeste utgave om Thomas Piketty og Kapital og ideologi (2019). Hva har vi lært av Piketty, og hvor kommer han til kort?
Read More »„Kapital und Ideologie“ von Thomas Piketty
5. Lesung eines Beitrags aus meinem Blog, auch in der Freitag Community veröffentlicht. Dieser Beitrag ist von heute.
Read More »Un estudio del economista Piketty explica la tendencia creciente del voto obrero hacia la derecha
La conclusión a la que ha llegado el economista de izquierdas Thomas Piketty es que los obreros hace años que dejaron de votar a los partidos de izquierdas, para comenzar a votar de manera creciente a los partidos conservadores y de derecha.
Read More »Chapitre 31) Cours d’économie générale. Thomas Piketty. Le capital au XXIè siècles.
Chapitre 31) Thomas Piketty. Le capital au XXIè siècle. Foaleng Lowe René. Ex sciences économiques. Université Orléans
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