Krótka pogadanka o tym, że nazwiska to nie wszystko, o konsekwencjach utrzymywania ludzi w biedzi i o tym, czy pan Thomas Piketty jest przystępny. Ral nie zna nazwisk i TY TEŻ NIE MUSISZ, bo nasze życia nie są dyktowane tylko zdolnością cytowania innych! Subskrybuj kanał: Zostań matroną, patronem albo osobą wspierającą: Wesprzyj kanał: Stream oryginalnie...
Read More »Obsidian Book Club Piketty Meeting #7
This one lasts nearly two hours and we talk a lot about chapters 6 and 7 of the book and some note-taking too.
Read More »« + il y a d’élèves PRÉCAIRES, – les profs sont PAYÉS » Thomas Piketty – C Ce soir du 9 février 2022
Pour voir la suite du débat 👉 il est encore disponible en podcast ! Pour voir d'autres émissions 👉 ____________________________________________________________ 🔵 DISCRIMINATIONS : PEUT-ON MESURER LE RACISME ? Comment sortir de l’impasse identitaire du moment ? Comment faire concrètement pour que le vivre ensemble ne soit pas seulement un slogan ? “En mesurant le racisme et les discriminations”...
Read More »On equality and fairness
In his recent book 'A Brief History of Equality' Thomas Piketty shows that throughout history, society has been moving toward greater equality. Interviewed at the CEPR’s June 2022 Paris Symposium, he tells Tim Phillips that we should continue setting ambitious targets in education and political participation as this long-run movement is not over yet, and why policymakers should consider the consequences of inequality before they intervene. Listen to the full interview on Vox Talks...
Read More »For an autonomous and alterglobalist Europe
Will Europe manage to redefine its place in the world geopolitical order? With Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine and rising tensions with China, circumstances oblige it to do so, but hesitations are emerging. Let’s say it from the outset: we must maintain the link with the United States, but on the condition that we gain autonomy and get away from the egoism and arrogance that too often characterise the Atlantic and Western discourse towards the rest of the world. Europe has never been so...
Presentación TEMAS nº 331 sobre Thomas Piketty y el socialismo participativo
토마 피케티(Thomas Piketty), 브라만 좌파와 상인 우파 / 강남 좌파와 재벌 우파 말고 다른 선택지는 없나요?
#딱한페이지영어원서 #원서읽기 #영어원서 #토마피케티 #자본과이데올로기 뭐 하나는 배우고 가셔야 해요! 윤재남 영어는 여러분이 영어왕이 되는 그 날까지 힘껏 돕겠습니다. ◆ 모비딕영어연구소 ◆ ... 꼭 필요한 영어교재를 출간하는 출판사 ... 양질의 콘텐츠로 격찬을 받아온 연구소 ... 계속 성장하고 서로 돕는 저자집단 ... #고백서 #고급영어백서 #고백서베이직 #스탠다드구문독해 #스탠다드영문법 #7일만에끝내는영단어 #7일만에끝내는영숙어 ★ 윤재남T ★ 현) #모비딕영어연구소 소장, EBS교재 사전검토위원, #유캔편입 #모비딕영어학원 (서울 강서구 등촌동 / 02-2668-1851) #시대인재학원 (대전 서구 둔산동 / 042-485-2372) 전) 강남 대성학원, 강남구청 인터넷수능방송 ♡ 좋아요 및 구독 ♥은 채널에 큰 도움이 됩니다....
Read More »Thomas Piketty: Democratic socialism is an issue where we have to learn from India or West Africa
This year, Harvard University Press has published professor Thomas Piketty´s latest book, the Brief History of Equality. What does he, in his work, mean as "equality"? What can be the expected impact of the Russian-Ukraine war on the equality or inequality? How can the democratic socialism be achieved? And which country is nearest to democratic socialism? English transcript: ČESKÁ VERZE ROZHOVORU:...
Read More »Thomas Piketty: Demokratický socialismus je téma, kde se musíme učit od Indie nebo západní Afriky.
Hostem Aby bylo jasno byl francouzský ekonom, autor světového bestselleru Kapitál ve 21. století, a jeden z nejvlivnějších světových ekonomů profesor Thomas Piketty. Jak definuje ve své nové knize "Stručné dějiny rovnosti" právě "rovnost"? Jaké budou dopady covidové krize a rusko-ukrajinského konfliktu na rovnost ve světě a v Evropě? Co je to demokratický socialismu,...
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