Monday , September 16 2024
Home / Post-Keynesian / Elsewhere


Louis-Philippe Rochon on Paul Davidson. James Galbraith, Thomas Palley, and Matias Venengo on Paul Davidson. The Economist on Donald Harris. Response in letters to the editor (Both behind paywall). The Washington Post on policy advice from Donald Harris for Jamaica (Behind paywall). Maybe I want to read Vanessa Wills' Marx's Ethical Vision, which may be in tension with views I have set out. Gordon Katic on the insidious elitist upshot of behavioral economics.

Robert Vienneau considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Mike Norman writes Trump to roll out DeFi project this week

Lars Pålsson Syll writes What is heterodox economics?

Angry Bear writes The FED Should Cut Rates in September

NewDealdemocrat writes UPDATE: Real median household income for 2023

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