Tuesday , October 1 2024


My latest book has so far have been published in three different places under three different titles. In the UK (hardback November 2023, paperback November 2024). It was entitled “The Machine Age” An Idea, A History,. A Warning. In Germany it was published in April 2024 under the title: Werden Wir Ersetzt: Vom Fortschrittswahn zu einer Ökonomie des gerechten Lebens. In America it was published in October 2024, under the title of: Mindless: The Human Condition in the Machine Age. I was interviewd about the german edition by Martin Burckhardt and Hopkins Stanley. Pleas find the video here: https://martinburckhardt.substack.com/p/talking-to-robert-skidelsky The American edittion has so far been reviewd by John Berthelsen in the Asian Sentinel on the 21st of September 2024.

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My latest book has so far have been published in three different places under three different titles. In the UK (hardback November 2023, paperback November 2024). It was entitled “The Machine Age” An Idea, A History,. A Warning. In Germany it was published in April 2024 under the title: Werden Wir Ersetzt: Vom Fortschrittswahn zu einer Ökonomie des gerechten Lebens. In America it was published in October 2024, under the title of: Mindless: The Human Condition in the Machine Age.

I was interviewd about the german edition by Martin Burckhardt and Hopkins Stanley. Pleas find the video here: https://martinburckhardt.substack.com/p/talking-to-robert-skidelsky

The American edittion has so far been reviewd by John Berthelsen in the Asian Sentinel on the 21st of September 2024. Link: https://www.asiasentinel.com/p/book-review-mindless-robert-skidelsky

Robert Skidelsky
Keynesian economist, crossbench peer in the House of Lords, author of Keynes: the Return of the Master and co-author of How Much Is Enough?

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