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Tag Archives: Hoppe

Hoppe’s Ridiculous Attack on the Epistemological Foundation of Moderate Empiricism

I get mercifully few libertarians in the comments sections these days, but I recently got this challenge here.Patrick asks me to respond to this critique here.This is a passage from the Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Hoppe 2007: 33–34), and Hoppe is a defender of Kantian synthetic a priori knowledge as the epistemological foundation of epistemology and Misesian praxeology.The proposition that is the epistemological foundation for classical and modern moderate empiricism, as Hoppe notes, is this:“This...

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Hoppe on Mass Immigration

For once he gets something right when he examines the views of open borders left libertarians and pro-open borders right-wing libertarians: “Let us begin with a proposal made by the editors of the Wall Street Journal, the Cato Institute, the Foundation for Economic Education, and various left-libertarian writers of an ‘open’ or ‘no’ border policy—not because this proposal has any merit, but because it helps to elucidate what the problem is and what needs to be done to solve it.It is not...

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