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Tag Archives: mass immigration

The Mass Immigration Debate within the Socialist Party of America from 1910–1912, Part 2

In part 1 here, the debate within the Socialist Party of America on mass immigration at their national convention in Chicago from 15–21 May 1910 was examined.In 1912, the Socialist Party of America held another national convention from 12–18 May in Indianapolis.Once again, the issue of mass immigration was discussed, and once again the committee on the immigration question produced a majority report.Remarkably, the majority report of 1912 was even more opposed to mass immigration than that...

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A Question No Leftist/Liberal Can Answer

One of these things on Twitter that leaves you stunned:Realist LeftRealist Left on Twitter @realistleftRealist Left on RedditRealist Left BlogRealist Left on YouTubeLord Keynes on FacebookSocial Democracy for the 21st Century: A Realist Alternative to the Modern LeftAlt Left on the Internet:Alternative Left on FacebookAlt-Left on Google+Alt-Left Closed Facebook GroupSamizdat: For the Freedom Loving LeftistSamizdat Broadcasts YouTube ChannelI’m on Twitter: Lord Keynes...

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Robert Putnam on the Negative Effects of Diversity

Robert D. Putnam’s paper “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty‐First Century” (2007) should be required reading for multiculturalist leftists. From the abstract:“Ethnic diversity is increasing in most advanced countries, driven mostly by sharp increases in immigration. In the long run immigration and diversity are likely to have important cultural, economic, fiscal, and developmental benefits. In the short run, however, immigration and ethnic diversity tend to reduce social...

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Mass Immigration for Thee, but not for Me

That is, if you are a highly paid, middle class professional in the West, as Dean Baker notes:“The trade agreements that the United States has negotiated over the last three decades have been about getting low cost auto workers, steel workers, and textile workers. In addition, immigration policy has been designed to ensure that custodians, farmworkers, and dishwashers all work for low wages. These policies have been successful in pushing down wages for large segments of the work force, not...

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Hoppe on Mass Immigration

For once he gets something right when he examines the views of open borders left libertarians and pro-open borders right-wing libertarians: “Let us begin with a proposal made by the editors of the Wall Street Journal, the Cato Institute, the Foundation for Economic Education, and various left-libertarian writers of an ‘open’ or ‘no’ border policy—not because this proposal has any merit, but because it helps to elucidate what the problem is and what needs to be done to solve it.It is not...

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Mass Immigration is the Last Fraud of Neoliberalism

And Dean Baker, a man who is clearly not a conservative but left-wing, explains why in his very interesting book The Conservative Nanny State (2006) and in the US context: “Trade is not the only mechanism that nanny state conservatives have used to depress the wages of the bulk of the population. Immigration has also been an important tool to depress the wages of a substantial segment of the workforce. The principle with immigration is exactly the same as with trade. It takes advantage of...

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The Hypocrisy of Marxists and Left Libertarians on Mass Immigration

One of the most laughable aspects of modern Marxism and left anarchism is their endless bloviating talk about how they allegedly speak for the working class.First of all, there is the reality that Marxist or communist parties are virtually dead in the Western world (here, here, and here). There are no doubt more working class people voting for conservatives in the West than for far left Marxists (e.g., for the UK’s recent general election see here), and that won’t change any time...

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Murray Rothbard loved Open Borders and Mass Immigration

But why should people on the left?From Rothbard’s Power and Market: Government and the Economy: “Laborers may also ask for geographical grants of oligopoly in the form of immigration restrictions. In the free market the inexorable trend is to equalize wage rates for the same value-productive work all over the earth. This trend is dependent on two modes of adjustment: businesses flocking from high-wage to low-wage areas, and workers flowing from low-wage to high-wage areas. Immigration...

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American Socialism and Mass Immigration

It’s surprising how many people have forgotten what the radical American left used to believe about this issue.At a famous Socialist Congress that occurred in Chicago in 1910, American socialists adopted the following resolution: “The Socialist party of the United States favors all legislative measures tending to prevent the immigration of strike breakers and contract laborers, and the mass importation of workers from foreign countries, brought about by the employing classes for the purpose...

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Calais Chaos

It is in the news here and here.And people wonder why the French National Front did so well in the first round of French regional elections.We now learn that disgraceful far left anarchists are inciting the migrants to violence.Is this the future of Europe? Nations with no control over borders, and Europe filled up with large numbers of migrant camps, with people living as an underclass and with serious breakdown of law and order, and governments unwilling or powerless do to anything?At some...

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