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Ann Pettifor – A Hitchhikers Guide to Economics

Filmed for the PPPE panel in 2016 Follow Ann on Twitter @AnnPettifor https://www.annpettifor.com http://www.primeeconomics.org You can find Ann’s book ‘How to Break the Power of the Bankers’ on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide

Ann Pettifor considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

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Filmed for the PPPE panel in 2016

Follow Ann on Twitter @AnnPettifor



You can find Ann’s book ‘How to Break the Power of the Bankers’ on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide

Ann Pettifor
I’m Ann Pettifor, author and analyst of the global financial system, and co-author of The Green New Deal (2008). I predicted an Anglo-American debt-deflationary crisis back in 2003, and in September, 2006 published The Coming First World Debt Crisis (Palgrave). I am known for my work on the sovereign debts of low income countries and for leading an international movement for the cancellation of debts, Jubilee 2000.

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