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Future Papers For My Research Program?

I have sometimes written retrospectives about my research program. I have been exploring the results of perturbing parameters in models of the choice of technique. This is a bit more prospective. Illustrations of One-Dimension Pattern Diagrams: I have a selection of these written up. Independence of Economic Life of Machines and Capital-Intensity: I have the analytical results I want. I am being slow to read what I need to connect results up to Austrian capital theory. I have had a much different earlier version rejected by Metroeconomica. Illustrations of Partitions of Parameter Spaces by Fluke Switch Points: I have had a draft paper like this rejected by the Cambridge Journal of Economics. Extensive rent with perturbations of markups: I have had a paper based on this rejected by

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I have sometimes written retrospectives about my research program. I have been exploring the results of perturbing parameters in models of the choice of technique. This is a bit more prospective.

  • Illustrations of One-Dimension Pattern Diagrams: I have a selection of these written up.
  • Independence of Economic Life of Machines and Capital-Intensity: I have the analytical results I want. I am being slow to read what I need to connect results up to Austrian capital theory. I have had a much different earlier version rejected by Metroeconomica.
  • Illustrations of Partitions of Parameter Spaces by Fluke Switch Points: I have had a draft paper like this rejected by the Cambridge Journal of Economics.
  • Extensive rent with perturbations of markups: I have had a paper based on this rejected by the Review of Radical Political Economics. I need to reach a more definite conclusion. I probably will not go further.
  • Intensive rent with perturbations of markups: This is somewhat beyond me, and I probably will not develop this further.
  • Extensive rent, intensive rent, and markup pricing: This, too, is somewhat beyond me, and I do not see that I will pursue it soon.
  • The Choice of Technique with Harrod-Neutral Technical Progress: This is somewhat beyond me. I probably will not develop this.

I do not see if organizing my starts will inspire me to be more productive. Since I am working on my reading for the second suggestion above, maybe I should expect to be slow at this point.

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