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Trump Ends CSR Payments Immediately

According to Modern Healthcare: “In a brash move likely to roil insurance markets, President Donald Trump will ‘immediately’ halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act. Before sunrise Friday morning, Trump went on Twitter to urge Democrats to make a deal: ‘The Democrats ObamaCare is imploding, massive subsidy payments to their pet insurance companies has stopped. Dems should call me to fix!’ The Department of Health and Human Services had made the announcement in a statement late Thursday. ‘We will discontinue these payments immediately’ said acting HHS Secretary Eric Hargan and Medicare administrator Seema Verma. Sign-up season for subsidized private insurance starts Nov. 1, in less than three weeks, with about 9 million people currently

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According to Modern Healthcare:

“In a brash move likely to roil insurance markets, President Donald Trump will ‘immediately’ halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act.

Before sunrise Friday morning, Trump went on Twitter to urge Democrats to make a deal:

‘The Democrats ObamaCare is imploding, massive subsidy payments to their pet insurance companies has stopped. Dems should call me to fix!’

The Department of Health and Human Services had made the announcement in a statement late Thursday. ‘We will discontinue these payments immediately’ said acting HHS Secretary Eric Hargan and Medicare administrator Seema Verma. Sign-up season for subsidized private insurance starts Nov. 1, in less than three weeks, with about 9 million people currently covered.”

This could be devastating to those with incomes less than 250% of the Federal Poverty Limit. It is a direct attack on US citizens by a president who can not get his way politically and is meant to punish citizens and politicians alike for not following his dictates. Let me assure you, the ACA was not imploding and most of the cost issues with it were caused by Republicans such as former Alabama Senator Sessions and Michigan and Colorado Representatives Upton and Kingston tampering with the Risk Corridor Program.

However, what will happen is the differences will be picked up by increases in premium subsidies as I have said previously for those in this category of 138% to 250%. Indeed as the CBO has pointed out, it becomes cheaper in some cases to bump up to a Gold plan for some. See Tables 1 and 2. Net cost of the ACA increases by $31 billion over 10 years.

Trump asserted: “Obamacare is a broken mess. Piece by piece we will now begin the process of giving America the great HealthCare it deserves.”

The only thing broken today is the Presidency as it is occupied by a madman. One has to wonder if this is Trump’s last hurrah before indicted.

At this time, I have no polite words I can print on AB.

About run75441

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