Friday , July 26 2024
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The Angry Bear

Suppostion? Economic performance is stronger when Democrats hold the White House

It appears people will argue the economic and social positives of the different political parties over periods of time. They probably are different. So, EPI has managed to chart the differences. What the first four charts do is detail the differences between the two parties over two different time periods. One time period staring in 1949 and the next time period in 1981. A contrast in beliefs? Maybe . . . The last two Appendix Charts compare...

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Patriotism and the Harris campaign

Here is the campaign speech Harris delivered in Wisconsin.  It’s good:  short, to the point, and upbeat.  She hits on the right issues:  Trump is a criminal, abortion, economic opportunity, Republicans cannot be trusted with Social Security and Medicare, etc. A patriotic framing that emphasizes that the United States is a great country could help present this bill of particulars in a compelling way.  The basic message would be “Yes, we have our...

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Der Gefesselte Marx

by Tom Walker Econospeak Book proposal: Marx’s Fetters and the Realm of Freedom: a remedial reading — part 2.1 Karl Marx’s preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy contains the best-known description of his theory of history. At some point contradiction between the relations of production and the forces of production become fetters on the latter, ushering in a period of social revolution. The traditional interpretation...

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Global Climate Crisis Topics

Four Climate and Decarbonization Commentaries by Professor Joel Eissenberg A collection of Joel Eissenberg’s posts. Read only. 1. Geoengineering and the global climate crisis – Angry Bear Global heating continues unabated. While decarbonizing our energy sources is certainly important, it is too late to prevent global disaster.  2. Why do we need carbon capture? – Angry Bear Yesterday, I posted about geoengineering the oceans as a promising...

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Former Michigan Congressional Representative returns to Michigan after a Decade . . . to run

I lived in Michigan for twenty-something years in the district Mike was our House Representative (8th Congressional District). Mike was mediocre at best and followed the Republican line. Republicans controlled the House and the Senate and the Governorship the majority of the time. Michigan lost approximately 800,000 jobs during that time as well as industry. Since Mike is running for Senator, I will be portraying his past as a Congressional...

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Dean Baker Editorializing on the Economy

Back to my points (AB), we have survived a pandemic, provided for the welfare of the citizenry, and the nation is on its way to better times. The only sticking point being the 2017 tax cut which is leaving the nation with another reoccurring deficit. How quick the influential 1-percenters were to move away from Biden as this was on his list of things to fix. Will a President Kamala make it a priority too? ~~~~~~~~ Back in the 1990s, when...

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7%+ mortgages weigh on new home sales, while prices continue slight downtrend, and inventory uptrend

 – by New Deal democrat Now that we have new as well as existing home sales, let’s take a little more extended look at the housing sector. Let me start by reiterating the big picture: mortgage rates lead sales, which in turn lead prices. Further, new home sales are the most leading of all housing metrics, but they are noisy and heavily revised. The much less noisy single family permits lag them slightly. Finally, we are looking for relative...

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A Small Matter of Diversity and Inclusion

After going through a generation (baby-boomers) of supporting equal rights for “all” which includes women (later in the effort), Corporate America (in this case John Deere) is reversing its course. The stance is a “whatever will be, will be” and we will not make an effort to level the playing field. I was working on a cable scaffold about 20 stories up. A 20th floor window opened up and another worker with his canvas bag of tools stepped on the...

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A Maybe Pick for Vice President by Kamala?

Potential Dem VP Pick Comes After JD Vance by Kathryn Rubino Above the Law Well, Joe Biden is out of the 2024 race for president. Dems have seemingly coalesced around Kamala Harris for the top of the ticket, leaving the political speculation to focus on who will be the Democratic Vice President candidate. There are plenty of qualified options out there, each bringing their own pluses and minuses to the equation. One tantalizing option...

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Existing homes inventory and prices move towards normalization and Sales . . . ?

Existing home market inventory and prices move slowly towards normalization, while sales remain punk  – by New Deal democrat Since existing-homes sales are less important for economic purposes, and especially with new home sales being reported tomorrow morning, I will keep this brief. What we are looking for is rebalancing in the housing market. For that to happen, we want the inventory of existing homes to increase, prices to stabilize, and...

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