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Some Comments from Those Who Had Contracted Covid 19

I pulled some purposely unidentified comments from people on a website who have contracted COVID 19. At two months and alive, the virus or dead virus is still lingering, and they are hurting after having survived. My point? It is important you take the necessary precautions to prevent contracting Covid 19. Stay away from crowds and stay home. *********************************************** Hi all survivors, I am two months in .  . feel much stronger than 2 weeks ago, even though not 100% myself yet but I am grateful to be able to get on with my daily tasks ( and home working). I still have many symptoms as many of you have : heart rate issues, pins and needles/numbness in the feet / fingers ( they got red and burning).. think my blood circulation is not as

run75441 considers the following as important:

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I pulled some purposely unidentified comments from people on a website who have contracted COVID 19. At two months and alive, the virus or dead virus is still lingering, and they are hurting after having survived. My point? It is important you take the necessary precautions to prevent contracting Covid 19. Stay away from crowds and stay home.


Hi all survivors, I am two months in .  . feel much stronger than 2 weeks ago, even though not 100% myself yet but I am grateful to be able to get on with my daily tasks ( and home working). I still have many symptoms as many of you have : heart rate issues, pins and needles/numbness in the feet / fingers ( they got red and burning).. think my blood circulation is not as good as before. I remain positive and I noticed I smile more and more. One of the things really remind me every day that I have covid is my breathing-SOB.. I have tight chest some days, but most day I have this mild SOB, the feeling of needs to take deep breath ( like I forgot how to breath), when trying to take in deep satisfying breath I just cannot , lit’s like I cannot complete the action, and not get enough air in my lung yet I cannot expand my lungs anymore.. it often helps if I yawn in order to get the air in.. ( I hope you get what I mean) I also noticed on the days I have bad reflux, the breathing seems to get worse  .  .   Do you have similar experience? Can you share hope you cope with it? Or any dr advice from your Experience. Ps . My x ray was clear, blood oxygen level perfect   .   .


Hi I’m from India. 27 yo M I’m in the same situation as you are in. My symptoms (SOB and fainted once) started in March 13th. Worsened by the end of March. Visited multiple doctors. Got checked by pulmonologists and cardiologists. Reports were normal. Breathing symptoms eased around mid of April. Then the chest pains set in. Had a weird chest pain for 2 weeks. Had an echocardiogram and reports were normal. Now two months in. The SOB still exists. But I am able to lie down flat on the bed from past week. But the chest aches though. I walk slowly everyday for 30-60 mins. My arms become numb sometimes. I find my chest and back (area near my heart) sore. I have severe stomach bloating sometimes. My testicles hurt. All this while i never had fever or cough. And my oxygen remained above 95 throughout this time. I noticed one thing, my resting heart rate dropped from 70 to 60. When i was lying flat it someone’s reached 45 at nights. Maybe my heart rate was always like that. Who knows.

Was on a 5 day dose of azithromycin around mid April. Now I’m only on vitamins.

I hope i can get back to normal soon. Like the way i was before march 13.

I’m glad that you have improved. I wish you a faster recovery and good health.


Reacting to dead virus particles is an interesting theory given that the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome has existed for many years already. 27% of SARS-1 patients and 75% of MERS patients ended up with CFS. Quite likely, in my view, that a proportion of COVID-19 also ended up with CFS. We don’t know what causes CFS exactly, but it seems like a chronic immune system overreaction more than a continued reaction to dead virus particles.


CFS is now known as ME in the medical community. It’s a persistent, never-ending fatigue with other symptoms such as light sensitivity and pain.

Imagine being tired, being so tired you can hardly do anything. Now imagine if sleeping didn’t help. That’s what ME is.

Doctors don’t know what causes it, other than that it’s usually caused following a viral infection of some kind. They don’t know what viruses can cause it, or why it happens. They don’t even know how to treat it. Some people have found that living in a dry climate helped, but the research is severely lacking in it. There are some places in the world where it’s considered a mental illness.

The only things really known for sure are: 1 – there’s a catalyst of some kind, last I heard the most recent studies found a viral infection of any kind to be a potential cause 2 – there are in fact physical effects of this and it extends beyond just being tired 3 – it won’t go away on its own

If you want to know more there’s a documentary called Unrest and Millions Missing is a charity and advocacy group for ME patients.


I truly hope your doctor is correct but unfortunately know that some survivors will end up chronically ill. (relates to first comment)

I’m not a Covid survivor. I’m a viral infection survivor from 2013, who went through multiple organ failure (full renal), septic shock & pneumonia. I was assured a three month full recovery period.

I’m still stuck in bed 22hrs a day and no doctor can find any reason in testing. I have ME/CFS. A diagnosis of exclusion with no treatment.

The first six months post infection are so important. Be safe, be kind to your bodies and I wish you great health x


It’s like you completely described my situation – especially the last three weeks prior to this one. I’m now at 7 weeks and I’m feeling about 85% normal. I have a strong feeling that what I eat affects the shortness of breath symptoms.

Here are the things I’ve changed (a lot of this was from reading Healthline articles on diets for post-viral fatigue/chronic fatigue):

– Only half a cup of coffee each day.
– Absolutely no processed sugar and limited processed foods (every time I’ve had sugar – like a few bites of ice cream – I’ve had a bad day afterwards)
– Only brown rice in terms of grains (no white bread or whole wheat grains)
– No nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant)
– No dairy
– Light on the legumes

What do I eat, then ?

– Breakfast – Granola and banana with oat milk
– Lunch – Green salad with tahini/lemon dressing
– Snacks – Eating carrots and apples. Sometimes pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.
– Dinner – Vegetables (squash, kale, mushrooms, beats etc) with a protein (plant-based meat), sometimes brown rice or brown rice pasta. (I was also already vegan before all this, by the way)

I’d like to believe this is helping but completely honest that my rules aren’t based on any scientific research or true evidence other than some suggestions online. The other thing I’ve noticed at this stage (not true 3-4 weeks in) is that yoga is the perfect level of physical activity and it’s helping me immensely. Even when I am having a flare-up at this point it helps to level me out.

Get lots of sleep and rest, too. I guess its about finding the balance of diet, rest, and activity now.


Hiiii to everyone who just read this, don’t panic! When I had covid (I was sick for 39 days), after week 3 when I was still VERY sick and struggling to breathe, or do anything, I came onto this “web” thread to read about other people’s experiences. My intention was to learn about what I could do to recover faster, and minimize long term damage to my body and lungs. Sometimes it calmed me down, but a lot of the time, people were posting things that made me really upset and worried for the health of myself and my family members. It is so so so so so highly unlikely that you will be a worse case scenario case. I have now been covid free for a little over 2 weeks, and I promise you that even if you feel terrible, and you are terrified for your health, the most likely outcome is that you will end up like me — entirely back to normal a few weeks after your recover.


(Answer to Hiii above) It’s not my intention to scare but just to inform patients that sometimes there is a third outcome between death and fully recovered. Doctors don’t like to talk about it.

Some members of the community are going to end up chronically ill, this will impact them for the rest of their lives. Many will be absolutely fine!!

This community has something ME/CFS sufferers don’t have though, a voice that people are listening to. So when inevitably it is six months from now and some are still unwell, they will need allies to advocate for science and medicine to keep working, keep fighting and finally make that link as to why some of us who suffer a viral infection never recover. Your community may be the key to curing us all.

So as thrilled as I am that you are feeling better. Don’t forget about those of us who aren’t. And the Covid sufferers who may not. We will need your voice too.


Me: This does not look like it goes away quickly, quietly, or even if it goes away.

About run75441

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