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Steve Keen

Steve Keen

Steve Keen (born 28 March 1953) is an Australian-born, British-based economist and author. He considers himself a post-Keynesian, criticising neoclassical economics as inconsistent, unscientific and empirically unsupported. The major influences on Keen's thinking about economics include John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, Hyman Minsky, Piero Sraffa, Augusto Graziani, Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Thorstein Veblen, and François Quesnay.

Articles by Steve Keen

Spela Plinko Online Free Of Charge 2025 Guide & Lista Med Casino

23 days ago

Demover­sion­er­na är ock­så värde­ful­la för erfar­na depilare som vill för­bät­tra sina strate­gi­er. Det är en säk­er lös­ning för att lyckas förstå spelets mekanik och exper­i­mentera med oli­ka insatsstrate­gi­er. Plinko slot är sobre pop­ulär anpass­ning audio-video det klas­siska plinko spel för onlinekasi­non. De nya ver­sion­er­na av det­ta spel erb­jud­er en con­tem­po­rary twist på liv­ing area tra­di­tionel­la spelup­plevelsen igenom att kom­bin­era orig­inell teknik med tidlös under­håll­ning. I para dig­i­ta­la ver­sion­er­na har mulighed for du uppl­e­va spän­nin­gen av det klas­siska plinko game on the web med rik­ti­ga pen­gar.
Spel­mark­naden är väldigt konkur­ren­skraftig och spel­bo­lag gör sitt ytter­s­ta för att inklud­era nyheter som kan tänkas loc­ka

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Basaribet Ba?ar? Guess Casino ? Ba?ar?bet Giri?”

23 days ago

Bonus­lar? etkin kul­lan­mak ve sadakat program?nda aktif olmak önem­li avan­taj sa?lar.”
Oyun ve bahis site­si olarak kullan?c? mem­nuniyeti­ni ön plan­da tutan empieza her zaman çe?itli ileti?im kanal­lar? üzerinden ula??labilir bir hizmet sunuy­oruz.
Tablet veya ak?ll? telefonlar?yla oyna­may? ter­cih eden oyun­cu­lar için Basari­bet mobil uygu­la­mas? geli?tirilmi?tir.
Bun­lar aras?nda sanal sporlar, keno, bin­go ve kaz? kazan kart­lar? gibi oyun­lar yer al?r.
Bu oyun­lar, yük­sek darstel­lung kalite­si ve çe?itli bonus özel­lik­leri ile dikkat çek­mek­te­dir.
Ba?ar?Bet, slot makinelerinde yap?lan kay?plar için kullan?c?lara kay­betme bonusu sa?lar.
Ücret­siz oyun­lar, kullan?c?lar?n on line casi­no oyunlar?nda deney­im kazan­malar? için hari­ka bir yoldur. Ba?ar?Bet,

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Girne Casino Güvenilir, H?zl?, Canl? Bahis & Canl? Casino Sitesi

23 days ago

Hem yeni ba?layanlar hem de deney­im­li oyun­cu­lar için geni? bir oyun seçene?i sunmaktad?r. Lev­ant Casino’nun geni? oyun kolek­siy­onu, her tür­den oyun­sev­erin ilgisi­ni çeke­cek çe?itlilikte oyun­lar? içer­mek­te­dir. Son olarak, yasal empieza güve­nilir bahis siteleri, Online Bahis ve Casi­no Rehberi bet­trik. com olarak sorum­lu bahis oyna­may? te?vik eder­iz. Bu sitel­er, kullan?c?lar?n” “bahis al??kanl?klar?n? kon­trol alt?nda tutmalar?na yard?mc? olmak için çe?itli araçlar ve lim­itler sunar. Örne?in, kullan?c?lar belir­li bir süre için kendi­leri­ni sit­e­den geçi­ci olarak men ede­bilir veya bahis yapacak­lar? mak­si­mum mik­tar? s?n?rland?rabilir. Yasal ve güve­nilir bir siteyi belir­lemenin bir di?er yolu da, kullan?c? yorum­lar? ve de?erlendirmeleridir.

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Zimpler Casino Utan Svensk Licens ? Utländska Casino Mediterranean Sea Zimpler

23 days ago

För sven­s­ka spelare kan det dock va svårt att få till­gång till GSC-licen­sier­ade casi­non. Om i inte är bosatt i Fin­land, som sak­nar en regler­ad spel­mark­nad, eller we Isle of Per­son själv, kom­mer man troligtvis att mötas av en block­er­ing. Att väl­ja rätt casi­no bör­jar sci­en­tif att förstå bety­delsen av casi­no­li­censer. Nedan pre­sen­ter­ar vi några av de mest välkän­da och pål­itli­ga licens­myn­digheter­na inom spelin­dus­trin.
Här går mire igenom processen steg för steg för att du skall kun­na hantera kun­dens pen­gar enkelt o effek­tivt.
Spel­paus. se intro­duc­er­ades av den sven­s­ka till­syns­myn­digheten Spelin­spek­tio­nen i sam­råd med den sven­s­ka regerin­gen.
Spelin­spek­tio­nen sit­ter på även granskat fördel­nin­gen av avstäng­da depilare

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Bankobetin Güncel Giri? Adresi

24 days ago

Sosyal medya hesaplar?, kullan?c?lar?n gün­cel bil­gilere ula?malar?n?, yeni pro­mosy­on ve bonus­lar­dan hab­er­dar olmalar?n? sa?lamaktad?r. Bankobet’in res­mi sosyal medya hesaplar? aras?nda Twit­ter, Telegram, Face­book ve Insta­gram bulunmaktad?r. Bankobet’e giri? yapt?ktan son­ra kullan?c?lar, geni? oyun seçenek­leri ve çe?itli bahis imkanlar?yla kar??la??rlar. Spor bahis­lerinden canl? bahis seçenek­ler­ine, casi­no oyunlar?ndan canl? casi­no deney­im­ler­ine kadar pek çok alter­natif sunulmaktad?r. Kullan?c? dos­tu arayüzü empieza h?zl? i?lem özel­lik­leri sayesinde Banko­bet, bahis sev­er­lere kaliteli bir deney­im sunmaktad?r.
Ter­cih etti?iniz kar??la?malarda sür­priz sonuçlar üzer­ine bahis seçenek­leri­ni gün­deme getirmek zorundas?n?z. Daha popüler seçenek­lere

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Login Sowie Spiele Auf Der Offiziellen Seite On The Internet”

24 days ago

So kön­nen Sie eine bre­ite Palette von Spie­len kosten­los genießen, ohne Ihr eigenes Geld ein­set­zen zu müssen. Dies ist excel­lent, um neue Apps auszupro­bieren oder anspruch­s­los nur zur Unter­hal­tung zu spie­len. Wir haben umfan­gre­iche Knowl­edge im Bere­ich Online-Slots und wis­sen wirk­lich, wie wir unseren Spiel­ern die besten Spielau­to­mat­en auf deinem Markt bieten kön­nen. Mit ein­er Gruppe von The­men, hohen Auszahlungsrat­en und span­nen­den Bonus­funk­tio­nen bieten unsere Slots Unter­hal­tung für jeden Geschmack. Von klas­sis­chen Frucht­maschi­nen bis hin zu mod­er­nen Videoslots – unter Vulkan Vegas find­en Sie Ihr per­fek­tes Spiel.
Zudem muss guy bestäti­gen, dass per­son min­destens 18 Jahre alt ist darüber hin­aus die AGB gele­sen hat.

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Login Bei Vulcanvegas De Ebenso Registrierung, Erfahrungen 2025

25 days ago

Für reg­istri­erte Zock­er ste­ht dieser Echt­geld-Modus” “zur Ver­fü­gung, um echte Gewinne zu erwirtschaften. Das Spezielle an Black jack ist natür­lich, wenn ha sido sowohl ein Glücksspiel als auch das­jenige Runde mit Fer­tigkeit­en ist auch. Das heisst, wenn die Zock­er ihr Wis­sen darüber hin­aus ihre Erfahrung absicht kön­nen, um ihre Gewin­n­chan­cen zu opti­mal­isieren. Hier­bei sein trotz­dem häu­fig Apps über dem Added reward ohne Ein­zahlung verknüpft, die beson­ders beliebt sind. Wenn Sie neu bei mir auf der Home-page ankom­men, sticht Ihnen garantiert sofort aller orangene But­ton über dem Schriftzug “Reg­istri­eren” ins Auge.
Zunächst müssen Sie dat­en, dass Freispiele jene Spiele sind, die nichts aus­gabe, bei denen Sie jedoch mit einem resolve vorgegebe­nen

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What To Be Able To Wear To The Casino? The Complete Dress Guide

February 18, 2025

Nat­u­ral­ly, casi­nos will also make sure that their clients know about what suit­able casi­no attire will be and what they can wear to some casi­no. This is why sev­er­al promi­nent brands, many of these as Win­star Casi­no and MGM On line casi­no have an actu­al list­ing of sug­ges­tions. The ide­al online casi­nos will give you a fan­tas­tic assort­ment of pro­mo­tions and bonus­es. That gives you the par­tic­u­lar chance to try out new games with­out need­ing to risk so many mon­ey.
Tilly is a good exam­ple of a new styl­ish dress code for women with a casi­no as she often wears the low-cut black evening dress to typ­i­cal­ly the tables.
Last­ly, help to make sure your sneak­ers are pol­ished and in good shape.
Most inter­net casi­nos pos­sess a dress code that may be

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Best No Deposit On-line Casino Bonuses 2024

February 16, 2025

These free rotates pro­vide sig­nif­i­cant worth, enhanc­ing the total gam­ing expe­ri­ence intend­ed for ded­i­cat­ed play­ers. These offers might include var­i­ous types, such since bonus rounds or even free spins on sign up and first deposits. Play­ers like wel­come free rounds zero deposit because they will allow them to extend enjoy­ing time after the first deposit. How­ev­er, these types of bonus­es typ­i­cal­ly need a min­i­mum deposit, usu­al­ly between $10-$20, to cash out and about any win­nings.
This web­site is apply­ing a secu­ri­ty ser­vice to pro­tect itself by online attacks. There are sev­er­al activ­i­ties which could trig­ger this block includ­ing post­ing a cer­tain word or per­haps phrase, a SQL com­mand or mal­formed data. The “bonus” label should be

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How To Be Able To Win In Some Sort Of Casino: Gambling Methods For Beginners

February 15, 2025

Plug the name of the game and “slot machine” into the search engine, and it will usu­al­ly will pro­vide mul­ti­ple results. Click “videos” and the major­i­ty of often you’ll be able to see the game through­out action. But crick­et fans have a rich­es of infor­ma­tion avail­able to them, no mat­ter of whether they’re play­ing on their very own com­put­er, phone or per­haps pad.
At the par­tic­u­lar mid­way mark, 2023 still hap­pen­ing course to be able to beat 2022 as the year togeth­er with the largest rev­enue in the record of the game play­ing busi­ness.
In words of slot equip­ment, this edge is fac­tored into typ­i­cal­ly the algo­rithm” “that this soft­ware devel­op­er designed to oper­ate as the ran­dom num­ber pow­er gen­er­a­tor, which deter­mines typ­i­cal­ly the

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Best No Deposit On-line Casino Bonuses 2024

February 15, 2025

These free rotates pro­vide sig­nif­i­cant worth, enhanc­ing the total gam­ing expe­ri­ence intend­ed for ded­i­cat­ed play­ers. These offers might include var­i­ous types, such since bonus rounds or even free spins on sign up and first deposits. Play­ers like wel­come free rounds zero deposit because they will allow them to extend enjoy­ing time after the first deposit. How­ev­er, these types of bonus­es typ­i­cal­ly need a min­i­mum deposit, usu­al­ly between $10-$20, to cash out and about any win­nings.
This web­site is apply­ing a secu­ri­ty ser­vice to pro­tect itself by online attacks. There are sev­er­al activ­i­ties which could trig­ger this block includ­ing post­ing a cer­tain word or per­haps phrase, a SQL com­mand or mal­formed data. The “bonus” label should be

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How To Be Able To Win In Some Sort Of Casino: Gambling Methods For Beginners

February 15, 2025

Plug the name of the game and “slot machine” into the search engine, and it will usu­al­ly will pro­vide mul­ti­ple results. Click “videos” and the major­i­ty of often you’ll be able to see the game through­out action. But crick­et fans have a rich­es of infor­ma­tion avail­able to them, no mat­ter of whether they’re play­ing on their very own com­put­er, phone or per­haps pad.
At the par­tic­u­lar mid­way mark, 2023 still hap­pen­ing course to be able to beat 2022 as the year togeth­er with the largest rev­enue in the record of the game play­ing busi­ness.
In words of slot equip­ment, this edge is fac­tored into typ­i­cal­ly the algo­rithm” “that this soft­ware devel­op­er designed to oper­ate as the ran­dom num­ber pow­er gen­er­a­tor, which deter­mines typ­i­cal­ly the

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Demystifying Casino Dress Code: Navigate The Rules & Dress Together With Confidence

February 15, 2025

This guide­line on casi­no dress codes will aid you out if you are not sure what in order to wear to” “the casi­no to com­ple­ment the gown code spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Our goal will be to improve each play­er’s gam­bling abil­i­ties and strate­gies inside sports bet­ting, hol­dem pok­er, slots, black­jack, bac­carat, and many oth­er online casi­no video games. Women have very a bit regard­ing lat­i­tude in just what they wear in com­par­i­son to some regard­ing the more for­mal dress codes. Blous­es, sweaters and wise skirts or slacks are the goal. Shoes should become fair­ly con­ser­v­a­tive — you can wear heels in case you want, yet oth­er­wise, go for closed-toe shoes.
You would still be respect­ing typ­i­cal­ly the dress code while tak­ing a dif­fer­ent spin on things.
At an

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Demystifying Casino Dress Code: Navigate The Rules & Dress Together With Confidence

February 14, 2025

This guide­line on casi­no dress codes will aid you out if you are not sure what in order to wear to” “the casi­no to com­ple­ment the gown code spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Our goal will be to improve each play­er’s gam­bling abil­i­ties and strate­gies inside sports bet­ting, hol­dem pok­er, slots, black­jack, bac­carat, and many oth­er online casi­no video games. Women have very a bit regard­ing lat­i­tude in just what they wear in com­par­i­son to some regard­ing the more for­mal dress codes. Blous­es, sweaters and wise skirts or slacks are the goal. Shoes should become fair­ly con­ser­v­a­tive — you can wear heels in case you want, yet oth­er­wise, go for closed-toe shoes.
You would still be respect­ing typ­i­cal­ly the dress code while tak­ing a dif­fer­ent spin on things.
At an

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February 12, 2025

Our table games are open on a dai­ly basis dur­ing the start­ing hours of typ­i­cal­ly the casi­no. Even if you were not real­ly look­ing to play, our facil­i­ties and atmos­phere are open up to you from your restau­rants and per­son­al live gigs almost all the way to be able to sports grand­stands. The 2024 IIHF Ice Hock­ey World Cham­pi­onship begins for the Finnish nation­al team Lei­jonat with­in the begin­ning day in the event Fri­day May 12, when Fin­land con­fronts the host staff Czech Repub­lic. We offer a fab­u­lous set­ting and eat­ing place ser­vices for each pri­vate and com­pa­ny events. Let us plan an occa­sion of your respec­tive dreams wher­ev­er you be able to jump into the regard­ing the casi­no whilst enjoy­ing great as well as bev­er­ages. All the pok­er

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“Finest Mobile Casino Bonuses 2024 No-deposit Application Codes

February 12, 2025

Since you can’t work with both forms of bonus­es, you need to assess which 1 is more impor­tant. When giv­en the pos­si­bil­i­ty to choose which usu­al­ly games you want to play, we rec­om­mend play­ing the par­tic­u­lar games with the high­est RTP or even go back to play­er. RTP is the per­cent­age regard­ing wagers that the slot game dis­trib­utes back to par­tic­i­pants over time. You can almost guar­an­tee of which if you see a no-deposit bonus, you can use it on slot online games.
Scratch­ful also offer play­ers a Gold­mine offer where gamers can win about any game on any play.
Neon54 has built some sort of strong rep­u­ta­tion for pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty goods and seam­less cus­tomer ser­vice, mak­ing it a sin­gle of the the major­i­ty of pop­u­lar Mobile Casi­no

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February 12, 2025

Our table games are open on a dai­ly basis dur­ing the start­ing hours of typ­i­cal­ly the casi­no. Even if you were not real­ly look­ing to play, our facil­i­ties and atmos­phere are open up to you from your restau­rants and per­son­al live gigs almost all the way to be able to sports grand­stands. The 2024 IIHF Ice Hock­ey World Cham­pi­onship begins for the Finnish nation­al team Lei­jonat with­in the begin­ning day in the event Fri­day May 12, when Fin­land con­fronts the host staff Czech Repub­lic. We offer a fab­u­lous set­ting and eat­ing place ser­vices for each pri­vate and com­pa­ny events. Let us plan an occa­sion of your respec­tive dreams wher­ev­er you be able to jump into the regard­ing the casi­no whilst enjoy­ing great as well as bev­er­ages. All the pok­er

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A Simple Solution to the Banking Crisis That No Country Will Implement

March 21, 2023

Though Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank con­tributed to its own demise, the root cause of this cri­sis is the fact that pri­vate banks own gov­ern­ment bonds. If they did­n’t, then SVB would still be sol­vent.

Its bank­rupt­cy was the result of the price of Trea­sury bonds falling, because The Fed­er­al Reserve increased inter­est rates. As inter­est rates rise, the val­ue of Trea­sury Bonds falls. With the resale val­ue of its bonds plung­ing, the total val­ue of SVB’s assets (which were main­ly Bonds, Reserves, and Loans to house­holds and firms) fell below the val­ue of its Lia­bil­i­ties (which are main­ly the deposits of house­holds and firms), and it col­lapsed.

Why do banks own gov­ern­ment bonds? Large­ly, because of two laws: one that pre­vents the Trea­sury from hav­ing an

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How does JK Galbraith’s The New Industrial Estate hold up after 6 decades?

March 4, 2023

I was asked to con­tribute to an Ital­ian online pub­li­ca­tion’s trib­ute to John Ken­neth Gal­braith, by answer­ing some ques­tions about the rel­e­vance of his major work The New Indus­tri­al State (Gal­braith and Gal­braith 1967) six decades lat­er. These were my respons­es.

Read­ing The New Indus­tri­al State (Gal­braith and Gal­braith 1967) again, six decades after it was first pub­lished, high­light­ed for me just how far eco­nom­ic the­o­ry has retreat­ed from real­i­ty since the 1960s.

The New Indus­tri­al State (here­inafter called TNIS) described the actu­al struc­ture of a mod­ern indus­tri­al econ­o­my. It has noth­ing to do with Alfred Mar­shal­l’s vision of a mar­ket econ­o­my, in which a mul­ti­tude of small entre­pre­neur­ial firms sold homoge­nous goods

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How does JK Galbraith’s The New Industrial Estate hold up, six decades on?

March 4, 2023

I was asked to con­tribute to an Ital­ian online pub­li­ca­tion’s trib­ute to John Ken­neth Gal­braith, by answer­ing some ques­tions about the rel­e­vance of his major work The New Indus­tri­al State (Gal­braith and Gal­braith 1967) six decades lat­er. These were my respons­es.

Read­ing The New Indus­tri­al State (Gal­braith and Gal­braith 1967) again, six decades after it was first pub­lished, high­light­ed for me just how far eco­nom­ic the­o­ry has retreat­ed from real­i­ty since the 1960s.

The New Indus­tri­al State (here­inafter called TNIS) described the actu­al struc­ture of a mod­ern indus­tri­al econ­o­my. It has noth­ing to do with Alfred Mar­shal­l’s vision of a mar­ket econ­o­my, in which a mul­ti­tude of small entre­pre­neur­ial firms sold homoge­nous goods

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Redirecting to Patreon

July 30, 2021

If you’re look­ing for my lat­est work, please click here to go to my Patre­on site. This site is main­tained for his­tor­i­cal rea­sons only.

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July 30, 2021

I main­tain this site for his­tor­i­cal rea­sons only. If you’re look­ing for my lat­est work, please go to

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Discussing a Modern Debt Jubilee on Macro’n’Cheese

December 19, 2020

I dis­cuss a Mod­ern Debt Jubilee On Macro’n’Cheese today, and this is a quick expla­na­tion of how it could be done.
Jubilees were com­mon in antiq­ui­ty. The Lord’s Prayer did not orig­i­nal­ly say “And for­give us our sins, as we have for­giv­en those who sin against us”, but “And for­give us our debts, as we also have for­giv­en our debtors”. But an old-fash­ioned Jubilee would reward those who gam­bled with bor­rowed mon­ey, and thus effec­tive­ly penalise those who did not. It would also effec­tive­ly bank­rupt the banks, since their assets—our debts—would fall, while their liabilities—our deposits—would remain con­stant.
A Mod­ern Debt Jubilee gets around both prob­lems by:
Giv­ing every­one, whether they bor­rowed or not, exact­ly the same amount of mon­ey; and

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To save the climate – don’t listen to mainstream economists

December 8, 2020

Ann Pettifor’s The Coming First World Debt Crisis (Pettifor 2006) was the first book to warn of the approaching 2007 Global Financial Crisis. More than decade after that crisis, its cause—excessive private debt, created primarily to finance asset bubbles rather than productive investment—is still with us, while we are entrapped in a pandemic crisis, and on the cusp of a climatic one.Figure 1: Private debt levels over the history of capitalismLooking forward to the next ten years, and given so little has been done to stabilize the system, stagnation was the likely outcome of the residue of private debt, but Covid has altered the equation to make a crisis, without a boom before it, the likely outcome.  The first two crises were ignored by mainstream economists and politicians until after

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To save the climate – don’t listen to mainstream economists

December 8, 2020

Ann Pettifor’s The Coming First World Debt Crisis (Pettifor 2006) was the first book to warn of the approaching 2007 Global Financial Crisis. More than decade after that crisis, its cause—excessive private debt, created primarily to finance asset bubbles rather than productive investment—is still with us, while we are entrapped in a pandemic crisis, and on the cusp of a climatic one.Figure 1: Private debt levels over the history of capitalismLooking forward to the next ten years, and given so little has been done to stabilize the system, stagnation was the likely outcome of the residue of private debt, but Covid has altered the equation to make a crisis, without a boom before it, the likely outcome.  The first two crises were ignored by mainstream economists and politicians until after

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To save the climate – don’t listen to mainstream economists

December 8, 2020

Ann Pettifor’s The Coming First World Debt Crisis (Pettifor 2006) was the first book to warn of the approaching 2007 Global Financial Crisis. More than decade after that crisis, its cause—excessive private debt, created primarily to finance asset bubbles rather than productive investment—is still with us, while we are entrapped in a pandemic crisis, and on the cusp of a climatic one.
Figure 1: Private debt levels over the history of capitalism
Looking forward to the next ten years, and given so little has been done to stabilize the system, stagnation was the likely outcome of the residue of private debt, but Covid has altered the equation to make a crisis, without a boom before it, the likely outcome.  The first two crises were ignored by mainstream economists and politicians until after

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The Unreal Basis of Neoclassical Economics

January 22, 2019

By Al Campbell, Ann Davis, David Fields, Paddy Quick, Jared Ragusett and Geoffrey Schneideroriginally posted hereIntroduction
Ten years after the financial crisis, we still find mainstream
economists engaging in overly simplistic analysis that does not
accurately capture the dynamics of the real world. People studying
economics need to know that the principles of mainstream economics are
hopelessly unrealistic. In this short article, we demonstrate that the
ten principles of economics in Gregory Mankiw’s best-selling textbook
are divorced from reality and reflect an extreme and unwarranted bias
towards unregulated markets.[ii] Mankiw’s “Ten Principles of Economics” should more accurately be titled “Ten Principles of Unrealistic Neoclassical Theory.”Mankiw’s Principle #1:

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On the URPE Blog – The Video Edition

May 23, 2018

The Dynamics of Capitalism: Money and Financialization
Greta Krippner – The Power of Abstraction: Marx on Money and Credit
Aaron Sahr – From Pen Strokes to Keystrokes: the Production of Money in Early and Contemporary Capitalism Michael Löwy: Marxism and Romantic Anticapitalism
Michael Löwy is Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) Lecturer, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Immanuel Wallerstein: The Contemporary Relevance of Marx
Immanuel Wallerstein – Marx’s Capital ​after 150 Years: Critique and Alternative to Capitalism (York University, Canada) Richard D. Wolff: Linking Trump and Marx’s Critique of Capitalism
Richard D. Wolff Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting

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Capitalism is national & transnational, but what about the money?

June 27, 2017

This is my short response, originally posted here, to William I. Robinson’s post here and Fred Magdoff’s note in the comment section of that post:While I generally agree with Robinson’s and Magdoff’s analyses, what is absent, specifically with respect to Robinson’s discussion, is a concrete assessment of the acute variables that measure the degree to which national States have the capacity to engage in power-maximizing behavior and, thus, pursue certain responses, i.e. imperialism, to the competitive nature of the capitalist world economy. Certain material capabilities of national States generate the space to be ‘constituted’, whereby they embody a structural authority to shape the framework of global economic relations. This structural authority is tied to the qualification to

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Shutting down membership

June 7, 2017

I have recently estab­lished a Patreon site, where peo­ple can sup­port my research and advo­cacy work with dona­tions start­ing at $1/month. That is now where I will engage in con­ver­sa­tion in response to posts. So if any­one here wants to con­tinue a dia­logue with me and oth­ers, please sign up there.
This site was flooded by a large num­ber of spam users at the same time as I became unable to main­tain my own role in dis­cus­sions here, since I am just too damn busy in Lon­don. This has caused the site to be sus­pended three times by its ISP for per­for­mance issues. One more time and the account will be banned. I have there­fore decided to delete all users on this site, bar those who have made posts (which is a hand­ful of

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