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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Why I am not a Bayesian

Why I am not a Bayesian Assume you’re a Bayesian turkey and hold a nonzero probability belief in hypothesis H that “people are nice vegetarians that do not eat turkeys and that every day I see the sun rises confirms my belief.” For every day you survive, you update your belief according to Bayes’ Rule P(H|e) = [P(e|H)P(H)]/P(e), where evidence e stands for “not being eaten” and P(e|H) = 1. Given that there do exist other hypotheses than H, P(e) is less than...

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What to do about the present inflation

What to do about the present inflation To be sure, some normalization of interest rates would be a good thing. Interest rates are supposed to reflect the scarcity of capital, and the “correct” price of capital obviously is not zero or negative – as near-zero interest rates and very negative real (inflation-adjusted) interest rates would seem to imply. But there are substantial dangers in pushing rates too high, too fast. For example, it is important to...

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Heckman on where causality resides

Heckman on where causality resides I make two main points that are firmly anchored in the econometric tradition. The first is that causality is a property of a model of hypotheticals. A fully articulated model of the phenomena being studied precisely defines hypothetical or counterfactual states. A definition of causality drops out of a fully articulated model as an automatic by-product. A model is a set of possible counterfactual worlds constructed under...

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Econometrics — nothing but a second-best explanatory practice

Econometrics — nothing but a second-best explanatory practice Consider two elections, A and B. For each of them, identify the events that cause a given percentage of voters to turn out. Once we have thus explained the turnout in election A and the turnout in election B, the explanation of the difference (if any) follows automatically, as a by-product. As a bonus, we might be able to explain whether identical turnouts in A and B are accidental, that is, due...

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Mainstream economics — the triumph of ideology over science

Mainstream economics — the triumph of ideology over science Research shows not only that individuals sometimes act differently than standard economic theories predict, but that they do so regularly, systematically, and in ways that can be understood and interpreted through alternative hypotheses, competing with those utilised by orthodox economists. To most market participants — and, indeed, ordinary observers — this does not seem like big news … In fact,...

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När livet vänder

.[embedded content] Det är en tröst att Teds och Kenneths underbara texter och musik fortfarande finns kvar. Men att de inte vandrar vid vår sida är svårt att förlika sig med. Första gången jag hörde Ted var jag fjorton år gammal. Han var en stor idol för mig under tonåren. Det kommer han alltid att vara.

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Om konsten att läsa och skriva

Om konsten att läsa och skriva Hur ska man läsa? Det är nog en rätt vanlig fundering alla någon gång har haft kring vårt förhållningssätt till litteratur och läsande. Själv får jag anledning fundera kring detta när min älskade — som oförtrutet slukar nya böcker i ett rasande tempo — åter igen försöker övertala mig att ställa tillbaka Röda rummet, Hemsöborna, Martin Bircks ungdom, Den allvarsamma leken, Jerusalem eller Gösta Berlings saga i biblioteket och...

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