Saturday , October 5 2024
Home / Lars P. Syll (page 76)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Mathematical modeling in economics

Mathematical modeling in economics If scientific progress in economics lies in our ability to tell ‘better and better stories’ one would, of course, expect economics journals to be filled with articles supporting the stories with empirical evidence confirming the predictions. However, the journals still show a striking and embarrassing paucity of empirical studies that (try to) substantiate these predictive claims. Equally amazing is how little one has...

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Monte Carlo simulations — no substitute for thinking

Monte Carlo simulations — no substitute for thinking In some fields—physics, geophysics, climate science, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty quantification in particular—there is a popular impression that probabilities can be estimated in a ‘neutral’ or ‘automatic’ way by doing Monte Carlo simulations: just let the computer reveal the distribution … Setting aside other issues in numerical modeling, Monte Carlo simulation is a way to substitute...

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Freedman’s Rabbit Theorem

In econometrics one often gets the feeling that many of its practitioners think of it as a kind of automatic inferential machine: input data and out comes causal knowledge. This is like pulling a rabbit from a hat. Great, but as renowned statistician David Freedman had it, first you must put the rabbit in the hat. And this is where assumptions come into the picture. The assumption of imaginary ‘superpopulations’ is one of the many dubious assumptions used in modern...

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Model uncertainty and ergodicity

Model uncertainty and ergodicity Post Keynesian authors have offered various classifications of uncertainty … A common distinction is that of epistemological versus ontological uncertainty, with the former depending on the limitations of human reasoning and the latter on the actual nature of social systems … Models of ontological uncertainty tend to hinge on the existence of information that is critical to the decision-making task. Fundamental...

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Weekend combinatorics work problem (IV)

Weekend combinatorics work problem (IV) When my daughter (who studies mathematics) and yours truly solve a combinatorics problem together it takes 12 minutes. If my daughter tries to solve the problem herself it takes her 10 minutes more than it takes when I solve it alone. How long does it take me to solve the problem?

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Riksbankens räntechock skadar samhällsekonomin

Nyligen höjde Riksbanken återigen styrräntan. Förhoppningen är att de ökade räntekostnaderna ska dämpa efterfrågan och inflationsförväntningarna och därmed leda till en lägre inflation. Men räntehöjningar kommer sannolikt inte lösa inflations­problemen. Däremot riskerar de att allvarligt skada den ­svenska samhällsekonomin. De ökade konsumentpriserna beror inte på låga räntor utan primärt på flaskhalsar från pandemin, ökade energi- och matpriser från kriget i Ukraina, att...

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