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Socialdem. 21st Century

More WikiLeaks Clinton Emails

This one from a private speech she gave at a Goldman-Black Rock event in February 2014, in which she happily admits how out of touch she is:“Hillary Clinton: “I'm Kind Of Far Removed” From The Struggles Of The Middle Class “Because The Life I've Lived And The Economic, You Know, Fortunes That My Husband And I Now Enjoy.” *“And I am not taking a position on any policy, but I do think there is a growing sense of anxiety and even anger in the country over the feeling that the game is rigged....

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WikiLeaks reveals an Email describing the Disaster of Mass Immigration into Europe

A brief description of the new releases:[embedded content]Some of the latest WikiLeaks releases on Clinton are pure gold. Finally, we are seeing how elites speak in private.In one of the more revealing ones here, she gives her vision for the United States:“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”...

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Kaldor’s Growth Laws and Verdoorn’s Law: An Overview and Bibliography

Verdoorn’s law and Kaldor’s growth laws are important theories in Post Keynesian economics.Nicholas Kaldor’s foundational work on these laws can be found in these works:Kaldor, Nicholas. 1966. Causes of Slow Rate of Economic Growth of the United Kingdom: An Inaugural Lecture. Cambridge University Press, London.Kaldor, Nicholas. 1967. Strategic Factors in Economic Development. Ithaca, New York.In brief, Kaldor’s growth laws and Verdoorn’s Law can be summarised as three empirical...

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Trump’s Bad Day

Trump’s leaked lewd conversation:[embedded content]Pretty bad, but I have to say not as bad as I was led to believe from watching the news.Trump released this apology soon afterwards:[embedded content]Will this cost him big? Maybe, but then Arnold Schwarzenegger was guilty of misconduct even worse, and then he went on to win two state elections in California.I have a suspicion that as this is picked up by the Clinton campaign this may badly backfire on the Clintons. Why? Because: (1) I...

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Thirlwall’s Law: An Overview and Bibliography

Thirlwall’s law was formulated by Anthony Thirlwall.Here is a basic statement of the law:“Thirlwall’s law (named after Anthony Thirlwall) states that if long run balance of payments equilibrium on current account is a requirement, and the real exchange rate stays relatively constant, then the long run growth of a country can be approximated by the ratio of the growth of exports to the income elasticity of demand for imports (Thirlwall, 1979).If the real exchange rate varies considerably, but...

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Debunking Postmodernism and the Regressive Left 101

The philosophy of Postmodernism and its outgrowth called the Regressive Left have been an absolute disaster for the modern political left.The ideas of Postmodernism and the Regressive Left are false, fraudulent, irrational and are contributing to the political defeat of the left in nation after nation, and, even worse than this, are a threat to Western civilisation itself.Postmodernism and the Regressive Left have to be utterly defeated as the pre-condition for any new and sane left-wing...

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Christopher Hitchens versus a Feminist

Here:[embedded content]Christopher Hitchens says that, if his wife or married women in general want to work, this is fine and dandy, but, if they don’t, then he believes in supporting his wife, so that she does not have to work. How and why such an obviously reasonable statement causes this feminist to act as if Hitchens has called for genocide is beyond me.Just think about what this feminist is implying: she’s implying that women should go out and work, even if they don’t want to, and that...

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Realist Left with Answers for Libertarians

Realist Left in a great new video responds to libertarians in this video:[embedded content]This is an excellent critique. I add some points below. I would classify libertarians into the following groups:(1) Randians(2) Austrians(i) the Anarcho-capitalists, like Rothbard and Hoppe;(ii) The minimal state Austrians like Mises (with his praxeology);(iii) Austrian supporters of Hayek’s economics, with a minimal state;(iv) The “orthodox” Austrians (probably supporters of a minimal state) who have...

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Bibliography on Post Keynesian Economics (Updated)

The updated bibliography below provides a list of the most important books and articles on various topics within Post Keynesian economics.It is divided into the following sections (and there are now links to each section):(1) Introductory Studies(2) Advanced Overviews and Specialised Studies(3) History of Post Keynesian Economics(4) Methodology(5) Uncertainty(6) Endogenous Money(7) Fiscal Policy(8) Inflation(9) Price Theory(10) Trade Theory(11) Cambridge Capital Controversies(12) On the Work...

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