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Socialdem. 21st Century

Rod Liddle Almost Gets It

Replace “Liberalism” with “Neoliberalism,” Rod:[embedded content]And it’s not the end of Neoliberalism. To borrow from Churchill: it’s not the end; it is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. I think the collapse will come fast, maybe in a few years.This is a very good thing indeed. We’ve seeing the collapse of the rotten Neoliberal world order that has dominated our world since about the late 1970s.You would think many more people on the left and...

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Milton Friedman on Illegal Immigration

Here:[embedded content]Instead of the lame question at the end, somebody should have challenged this charlatan and fraud to answer the following questions:(1) So, Mr Friedman, I cannot help but notice how you utterly botched the history of US immigration in the first few minutes. Don’t you know that before 1914 there were plenty of legislative acts that severely restricted immigration into America, as we can see here. So were you just ignorant of this, or lying?(2) Your contention that free...

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The Simple Answer to the Furore over Trump’s Muslim Ban

Just have a 40 year moratorium on *all* Third World mass immigration of people who want to permanently live in the US. It’s that simple.Of course, you don’t need to ban vetted students or tourists, or people who might be temporarily employed for some job that can’t be done by a US citizen. Nor do you need to ban immigration invoking cultural exchanges, scientific research, or limited and reasonable asylum for people who are culturally compatible and genuinely fleeing persecution, especially...

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I Know a Keynesian when I Hear One

Note well what Trump says here:[embedded content]“Sometimes you have to fuel the well in order to really get the economy going.”I sense huge deficits are on the way, even if Trump makes some politically-motivated cuts here and there to government spending. And just as I predicted here, the way to sell it to the public is by saying that it’s all about rebuilding the military and patriotism.We all know that the Republicans have a fetish for balanced budgets and deficit hawk hysteria. They...

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The Secret of Why the Modern Left in the West is Impotent and Clueless

It’s simple: the working class – and even a significant part of the non-cosmopolitan middle class that might vote for the Left – has always had a degree of cultural, ethnic and nationalist feelings, while the modern Left has bizarrely ejected all these thing out of leftist politics and engaged in the deranged fantasy that these things don’t matter at all. And yet, at the same time, the working class is supposed to function as the political base of the Left, a totally unworkable and absurd...

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Tucker Carlson versus Cultural Leftist Professor

Here:[embedded content]This is a textbook case of how deranged and insane the modern cultural left is, and how these people simply cannot and will not understand modern Neoliberal capitalism. These people are basically just bigots and regressive left charlatans who only wish to blame European “racists” for everything that they don’t like.Look at the nonsense:(1) at 3.31–3.47, he says *explicitly* that modern legal and illegal immigration into America is “the same as the forced immigration...

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Steve Keen on How the Left Converted to Neoliberalism

An interesting audio discussion here:John Harrison, “Why Did the Left Get into Bed With Neoliberalism?,” Brave New World, 20 January, 2017.This is actually a pretty general discussion here, with an interesting overview of Keynesian economics and a brief discussion of mass immigration at the end.First of all, Steve Keen seems to take the line that only the economic hardships caused by neoliberalism lead to popular opposition to mass immigration. This is untrue. The Old Left before the 1960s...

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Trump’s Inauguration Speech

Here:[embedded content]All in all, it wasn’t a typical conservative Republican speech: it was anti-elitist, protectionist, populist, anti-globalisation, and economically nationalist. In particular, there was the economic populism: the attack on free trade, outsourcing and the de-industrialisation of America. I imagine this went down well with the working class and even middle class victims of these neoliberal policies. But of course now we come to the crunch: although his rhetoric is good,...

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My Posts on the US Recession of 1920–1921 (Updated)

The US recession of 1920–1921 is employed by Austrians and libertarians endlessly to bolster their economic theories, but careful study of this recession shows that libertarians misunderstand it badly, and that they have created a number of myths about it.This can be seen in my updated list of posts below:“The US Recession of 1920–1921: Some Austrian Myths,” October 23, 2010.“There was no US Recovery in 1921 under Austrian Trade Cycle Theory!,” June 25, 2011.“The Depression of 1920–1921: An...

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Steve Keen on the UK’s Brexit Plan

In a new Debunking Economics Podcast:“20. May’s Got the Wrong Plan For Brexit,” Debunking Economics – The Podcast, 18 January, 2017.Realist LeftRealist Left on Twitter @realistleftRealist Left on RedditRealist Left BlogRealist Left on YouTubeLord Keynes on FacebookSocial Democracy for the 21st Century: A Realist Alternative to the Modern LeftAlt Left on the Internet:Alternative Left on FacebookAlt-Left on Google+Alt-Left Closed Facebook GroupPrince of Queens YouTube...

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