A quick demo of building a combined monetary-physical model in Minsky. I want to extend this capability dramatically through my Kickstarter campaign. If you'd like to help, you have just one week left to do so. Go to http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2123355930/minsky-reforming-economics-with-visual-monetary-mo/ and pledge for Minsky today
Read More »Keen at NICTA on Minsky
NICTA (http://www.nicta.com.au/) is Australia's major research initiative in information & computer technology. Today I gave a talk to about 60 NICTA researchers about the Minsky project, from its genesis in my modeling of Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis to my Kickstarter campaign (http://t.co/rzFwjEnJ) to raise development funds.
Read More »Modeling Minsky in MInsky
The objective of Minsky is to make it easy to build strictly monetary dynamic macroeconomic models. However it also has to be able to do what other system dynamics models can do--model a dynamic system as a flowchart. One of my crucibles here was that I should be able to build my own 1995 model of Hyman Minsky's "Financial Instability Hypothesis" in Minsky. Last night I finally did that, and I thought I'd share the results with a little movie of the program running. It also generates a...
Read More »Minsky: the Kickstarter Pitch
If you've ever learnt something from one of my Youtube lectures, now's the time to say "thanks" in a very practical way. Make a pledge at Kickstarter to help develop my "Minsky" monetary modeling program: http://t.co/rzFwjEnJ It will take $1 million to develop the best economic modeling software ever, and we can only do it if you get behind us and pledge. Any amount from $1 to $10,000 will help. Your primary benefit will be a piece of software that may well revolutionize economics by...
Read More »Minsky 02 Exponential Growth
2nd video in a series showing how to use Minsky to build dynamic models. This one shows how to build the simplest dynamic model of all in Minsky--that of exponential growth. I have launched a campaign on Kickstarter to further develop Minsky: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2123355930/minsky-reforming-economics-with-visual-monetary-mo Please help Kickstart Minsky!
Read More »Minsky 01 Graphing a simple function in MInsky
1st video in a series showing how to use Minsky to build dynamic models. This one shows how to build a very simple model that graphs a well-known function dynamically. I have launched a campaign on Kickstarter to further develop Minsky: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2123355930/minsky-reforming-economics-with-visual-monetary-mo Please help Kickstart Minsky!
Read More »Kickstarter campaign for Minsky: For the public
I have launched a campaign on Kickstarter to further develop my "Minsky" modeling software: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2123355930/minsky-reforming-economics-with-visual-monetary-mo This introduction explains why Minsky has been developed to people who suffered in the economic crisis, and can't understand why economists didn't see it coming. This video explains why they failed, and shows how Minsky could lead to a new approach to economics.
Read More »Kickstarter campaign for Minsky: For Entrepreneurs & Geeks
I have launched a campaign on Kickstarter to further develop my "Minsky" modeling software: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2123355930/minsky-reforming-economics-with-visual-monetary-mo This introduction explains why Minsky has been developed to people who have some knowledge of the software industry and know that there are already plenty of system dynamics programs out there: why add another one?
Read More »Minsky 09 Bank Compare Vissim
9th video in a series showing how to use Minsky to build dynamic models. This one shows my attempt to replicate the extensions to the banking model in the 8th video in Vissim--and I make a mistake. I have launched a campaign on Kickstarter to further develop Minsky: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2123355930/minsky-reforming-economics-with-visual-monetary-mo Please help Kickstart Minsky!
Read More »Minsky 10 Bank Compare Vissim 2
10th video in a series showing how to use Minsky to build dynamic models. This one shows where I made the mistake in the previous Vissim model, and compares finding mistakes in financial models in Vissim to the same in Minsky. I have launched a campaign on Kickstarter to further develop Minsky: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2123355930/minsky-reforming-economics-with-visual-monetary-mo Please help Kickstart Minsky!
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