The Manifesto reproduced below has been open to signature by over 120 intellectuals, legal scholars, historians, economists and politicians from all over Europe ( We, European citizens, from different backgrounds and countries, are today launching this appeal for the in-depth transformation of the European institutions and policies. This Manifesto contains concrete proposals, in particular a project for a Democratization Treaty and a Budget Project which can be adopted...
Read More »Le grand entretien avec Thomas Piketty
En pleine crise des gilets jaunes, l'économiste Thomas Piketty, connu pour ses travaux sur la fiscalité, vient lancer en exclusivité sur France Inter, au micro de Nicolas Demorand et de Léa Salamé, un "Manifeste pour la démocratisation de l’Europe", signé par une centaine d'intellectuels, économistes et élus européens.
Read More »« Le Monde » and the billionaires
So, the share ownership of the newspaper Le Monde is going to change. A French investment banker is going to sell his shares to a Czech billionaire who himself made a fortune in coal mining and frequently used tax havens. Should we acquiesce in this situation or is it not time to consider the legal and fiscal regime which would enable us to re-shape the model of the media? Let us be very clear: we in no way wish to question the journalists or the management of the press. They campaign...
Read More »« Le Monde » and the billionaires
So, the share ownership of the newspaper Le Monde is going to change. A French investment banker is going to sell his shares to a Czech billionaire who himself made a fortune in coal mining and frequently used tax havens. Should we acquiesce in this situation or is it not time to consider the legal and fiscal regime which would enable us to re-shape the model of the media? Let us be very clear: we in no way wish to question the journalists or the management of the press. They campaign with...
Read More »L’accroissement du capital d’après le modèle de Thomas Piketty (niveau lycée, CPGE, licence)
Cette vidéo reprend, de manière simplifiée, les principales conclusions du livre de Thomas Piketty, afin de montrer les mécanismes à l'origine de l'accroissement du capital et les effets possibles sur les inégalités économiques. Programme de SES du lycée et de premier cycle d'économie.
Read More »Brazil: the First Republic under threat
In the United States, it was not until the mid 1960s that the former slaves finally obtained the right to sit in the same buses as whites, to go to the same schools and, at the same time, accede to the right to vote. In Brazil, the right to vote for the poor dates from the 1988 constitution, just a few years before the first multi-racial elections in South Africa in 1994. The comparison may shock: the population in Brazil is much more mixed than the two other countries. In 2010, in...
Read More »Brazil: the First Republic under threat
In the United States, it was not until the mid 1960s that the former slaves finally obtained the right to sit in the same buses as whites, to go to the same schools and, at the same time, accede to the right to vote. In Brazil, the right to vote for the poor dates from the 1988 constitution, just a few years before the first multi-racial elections in South Africa in 1994. The comparison may shock: the population in Brazil is much more mixed than the two other countries. In 2010, in the...
Read More »Distinguished Lecture on “Rising Inequality and Globalisation” by Professor Thomas Piketty
Poverty and Wealth disparity have become global issues, which present a growing threat to the world. Professor Thomas Piketty, a public intellectual and author of the best-selling book Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013), offered thought-provoking views and novel ideas on the phenomena of rising inequality and globalisation, as well as their implications for wealth distribution at the lecture held on 5 October 2018. The Lecture is jointly organised by The Education University of Hong...
Read More »FISCAL or DIRECT Redistribution to Decrease Inequality? | Minimum wage | Thomas Piketty Review
FISCAL or DIRECT Redistribution to Decrease Inequality? | Minimum wage | Thomas Piketty Review This week, the book of the week is The Economics of Inequality by Thomas Piketty. About: "Succinct, accessible, and authoritative, Thomas Piketty's The Economics of Inequality is the ideal place to start for those who want to understand the fundamental issues at the heart of one the most pressing concerns in contemporary economics and politics. This work now appears in English for the first...
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