O capitalismo diminui ou reforça a desigualdade social? A taxa anual de retorno sobre capital, que significa os lucros ou os juros que você ganha ao investir o seu dinheiro, é maior do que a taxa de crescimento da economia mundial. Ao seja, pessoas que já possuem dinheiro tendem a acumular riquezas em uma velocidade X, enquanto a população trabalhadora que depende do crescimento da economia do seu país, numa velocidade Y. A solução para esse problema seria um imposto global sobre riqueza....
Read More »1789, the return of the debt
One of the ideas raised by the yellow vests is the possibility of a referendum on the cancellation of the public debt. For some, this type of proposal, already heard in Italy, demonstrates the extent of the ‘populist’ danger: how can one possibly imagine not repaying a debt? In reality history shows that it is customary to resort to exceptional solutions when the debt reaches this type of level. However, a referendum would not enable us to solve such a complex problem. There are numerous...
Read More »1789, the return of the debt
One of the ideas raised by the yellow vests is the possibility of a referendum on the cancellation of the public debt. For some, this type of proposal, already heard in Italy, demonstrates the extent of the ‘populist’ danger: how can one possibly imagine not repaying a debt? In reality history shows that it is customary to resort to exceptional solutions when the debt reaches this type of level. However, a referendum would not enable us to solve such a complex problem. There are...
Read More »IL CAPITALE NEL XXI SECOLO Di Thomas Piketty spiegato da Carlo Cunegato
MediapartLive: les violences policières, Cécile Duflot, et Thomas Piketty
Au menu cette semaine : retour sur le maintien de l’ordre des derniers jours ; un grand entretien avec Cécile Duflot ; et un débat sur l'alternative à l'austérité en Europe avec Thomas Piketty et Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez.
Read More »Piketty et Hennette défendent un budget pour rendre l’Europe aux citoyens
Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez et Thomas Piketty sont initiateurs d’un Manifeste pour la démocratisation de l’Europe, incluant un projet de budget révélé le 11 décembre dans la presse internationale. Ils défendent leur projet dans MediapartLive. ☞ Abonnez-vous à Mediapart : https://www.mediapart.fr/abonnement ☞ Tous les lives de Mediapart : https://www.mediapart.fr/studio/videos/emissions/mediapart-live ☞ Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube de Mediapart : https://www.youtube.com/user/mediapart...
Read More »« Yellow vests » and tax justice
The crisis of the ‘yellow vests’ raises a key issue both in France and in Europe, namely that of fiscal justice. Since his election, Emmanuel Macron has spent considerable time in explaining to the country that the « premiers de cordée », i.e. the leading fortunes and industrialists, should be treated with care; the top priority was to grant tax cuts to the wealthiest, and as a start, the wealth tax abolished. All this was done at top speed, in a spirit of invincibility and without the...
Read More »« Yellow vests » and tax justice
The crisis of the ‘yellow vests’ raises a key issue both in France and in Europe, namely that of fiscal justice. Since his election, Emmanuel Macron has spent considerable time in explaining to the country that the « premiers de cordée », i.e. the leading fortunes and industrialists, should be treated with care; the top priority was to grant tax cuts to the wealthiest, and as a start, the wealth tax abolished. All this was done at top speed, in a spirit of invincibility and without...
Read More »Pour Thomas Piketty, “il faut se préparer à de nouvelles crises financières et politiques” en Europe
Pour Thomas Piketty, "il faut se préparer à de nouvelles crises financières et politiques" en Europe ABONNEZ-VOUS pour plus de vidéos : http://bit.ly/radioE1 LE DIRECT : http://www.europe1.fr/direct-video Retrouvez-nous sur : | Notre site : http://www.europe1.fr | Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Europe1 | Twitter : https://twitter.com/europe1 | Google + : https://plus.google.com/+Europe1/posts | Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/europe1/
Read More »Manifesto for the democratisation of Europe
The Manifesto reproduced below has been open to signature by over 120 intellectuals, legal scholars, historians, economists and politicians from all over Europe (www.tdem.eu). We, European citizens, from different backgrounds and countries, are today launching this appeal for the in-depth transformation of the European institutions and policies. This Manifesto contains concrete proposals, in particular a project for a Democratization Treaty and a Budget Project which can be adopted and...
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