Retour sur les points essentiels évoqués par Thomas Piketty lors de la leçon magistrale « De l'inégalité en Europe ». L’intervention fait partie du cycle de conférences Une certaine idée de l'Europe, organisé par le Groupe d'études géopolitiques, qui vise la création d'un débat à l'échelle continentale. Le résumé ci-dessus est sous-titré en anglais.
Read More »Thomas Piketty – Ciências, artes e a complementaridade do pensamento
História, psicologia, economia, arte. Existe alguma área mais importante na formação da compreensão humana sobre o mundo? O economista francês Thomas Piketty defende que não, dizendo que abraçar a complementaridade é um exercício necessário para superar o que ele chama de “ilusão científica”. Piketty reflete sobre a importância que a literatura teve em sua trajetória intelectual e em seus questionamentos sobre o capital e a riqueza. O economista comenta como alguns livros são grandes...
Read More »Une certaine idée de l’Europe – leçon magistrale Thomas Piketty
Dans le cadre du cycle de conferences Une certaine idée de l'Europe, organisé par Groupe d'études geopolitiques, dans une leçon magistrale d’une heure Thomas Piketty affronte la question des inégalités en Europe.
Read More »A certain idea of Europe – Thomas Piketty
A certain idea of Europe aims to reinvent the transnational dialogue by involving the european thinkers at a continental scale. In an extraordinary masterclass, Thomas Piketty, broadcasted and commented in 15 other cities, speaks about inequalities in Europe, opening new perspectives and new paths through which we will be able to rejoin an ideal Europe, fully politic—a certain idea of Europe.
Read More »Thomas Piketty – Cine ia partea leului în UE. Tensiunile Est-Vest
Thomas Piketty - despre un studiu care arată tensiunile economice est-vest Episod din ianuarie 2018 Din arhiva emisiunii Bookface, Realitatea TV, cărți, polemici, dezbateri prezentate de Costi Rogozanu Arhiva completă a acestei emisiuni, până în martie 2018, e aici: Emisiune susținută de
Read More »Capital in Russia
Next month Karl Marx will be 200 years old. What would he have thought of the sad state Russia is in today? This is a country which never ceased to claim to be ‘Marxist Leninist’ throughout the Soviet period. Doubtless he would have denied any responsibility for a regime which appeared long after his death. Marx grew up in a world of censitory oppression and private property sacralization, where even the owners of slaves could be handsomely compensated if their property was violated...
Read More »Viimeisimmät uutiset | Thomas Piketty Trumpin tulleista: “nykymaailmaa ei uhkaa kauppasota vaan s…
Viimeisimmät uutiset | Thomas Piketty Trumpin tulleista: “nykymaailmaa ei uhkaa kauppasota vaan sosiaalinen sota” Viimeisimmät uutiset | Thomas Piketty Trumpin tulleista: “nykymaailmaa ei uhkaa kauppasota vaan sosiaalinen sota” Tunnettu ranskalaisekonomisti Thomas Piketty varoittaa tuoreessa blogipostauksessaan maahanmuuton rajoittamisesta ja protektionismin lisäämisestä. Piketty kirjoittaa, että “toisin kuin joskus kuulemme”, populismin nousua Euroopassa ei voida selittää...
Read More »(1/4) 1st WID conference: Intro. by Thomas Piketty – Global inequality dynamics by Lucas Chancel
First part of the presentation of the World Inequality Report on December 14, 2017 in Paris. World Wealth and Income Database is the open source for global inequality data, both within countries and between countries.
Read More »Towards a Union in the Union
After the Italian elections and Trump’s commercial antics one might well feel depressed and be tempted to use Europe to play the same silly game of introverted assertion of identity – strengthening immigration laws and ramping up protectionist measures. In so doing, we would be forgetting two key points. One: contrary to what we sometimes hear, the rise of European populism is not explained by any flood of immigrants. The truth is that the number of migrants entering the UE was much...
Read More »Perú Thomas Piketty El Capital en el Siglo XXi
Este vídeo hace un análisis de la obra del Economista Francés Piketty y relaciona su pensamiento del análisis de la relación del capital y la producción y el trabajo y el suscrito locompredne conal situación en el Perú
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