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Thomas Piketty

Passing of Anthony B. Atkinson

Partager cet article Anthony B. Atkinson passed away in the morning of January 1st 2017, at the age of 72, after a long illness. This leaves us with an invaluable loss. Anthony « Tony » Atkinson occupies a unique place among economists. During the past half-century, in defiance of prevailing trends, he placed the question of inequality at the center of his work while demonstrating that economics is first and foremost a social and moral science. Tony was born in 1944 and published...

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Thomas Piketty – Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert – Finanzmarkt Ökonomie

Es war der junge französische Ökonom Thomas Piketty, der mit seinem Buch "Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert“ in Fachkreisen weltweit für Aufsehen sorgte. Nicht aufgrund ethischer oder philosophischer Überlegungen, sondern aufgrund der Untersuchung empirischer Daten gelangte Piketty zu dem Ergebnis, dass in westlichen Staaten seit den 70er Jahren die soziale Ungleichheit zunimmt. Reichtum wird auch heute nicht anders verteilt als vor 100 oder 200 Jahren zur Zeit des ausgehenden Feudalismus....

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Basic income or fair wage?

Partager cet article The debate on basic income has at least one virtue, namely that of reminding us that there is a degree of consensus in France on the fact that everyone should have a minimum income. Disagreements exist over the amount. At the moment, the Revenu de Solidarité Active or RSA (the French minimum income scheme) granted to single individuals with no dependant children is 530 Euros per month, a sum which some people find sufficient, and others would like to increase...

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Agenda for another globalisation

Partager cet article Let it be said at once: Trump’s victory is primarily due to the explosion in economic and territorial inequality in the United States over several decades and the incapacity of successive governments to deal with these. Both the Clinton and the Obama, administrations frequently only went along with the move to liberalisation and sacralisation of the market launched under Reagan, then Bush, father and son; at times they even exacerbated them. The financial and...

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The French Right and the European budgetary rules

Partager cet article One does sometimes wonder why the French are so morose. The answer is fairly simple. As a result of the errors of their governments, the countries in the Euro zone have just experienced the longest period of stagnation since World War Two. In 2017, the level of economic activity in the area will with difficulty rise to its 2007 level, with huge regional and social disparities. In particular young people and the less privileged were faced with a sharp rise in...

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