Economia em Star Trek: Star Trek ensinando filosofia: Live que está rolando falando sobre isso nesse momento enquanto edito (coincidência incrível!): Agente Smith e Morfeus:
Read More »Venitul Universal de Baza e o idee stralucita. Iata de ce – Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis explica de ce Venitul de Baza este necesar pentru o mai buna functionare a societatii. Cine este Yanis Varoufakis? Sursa:
Read More »Yanis Varoufakis –The truth about political economy can never lie in the equations
"This is my criticism ... of a lot of Marxism, for instance, and I speak as a Marxist. The way in which dialectics has been lost in sterile discussions about the labor theory of value. [...] I am a mathematician by training, I think mathematics is essential, but the truth about political economy can never lie in the equations." From:
Read More »Yanis Varoufakis –The truth about political economy can never lie in the equations
"This is my criticism ... of a lot of Marxism, for instance, and I speak as a Marxist. The way in which dialectics has been lost in sterile discussions about the labor theory of value. [...] I am a mathematician by training, I think mathematics is essential, but the truth about political economy can never lie in the equations." From:
Read More »Yanis Varoufakis’ perspective on Trump’s approach to securing US dominance
"[Trump] sees the world like a bicycle wheel. And the way to answer the question of how hegemony, US capitalist hegemony, will be maintained is to turn the United States into the hub of the wheel and treat every other country like Germany, France, Britain, be more powerful and have more bargaining power in relation to each one of the spokes. So destroying multilateralism, the World Trade Organization, the G20, even the IMF and the World Bank, and place America first, turn it into the hub of...
Read More »Yanis Varoufakis’ perspective on Trump’s approach to securing US dominance
"[Trump] sees the world like a bicycle wheel. And the way to answer the question of how hegemony, US capitalist hegemony, will be maintained is to turn the United States into the hub of the wheel and treat every other country like Germany, France, Britain, be more powerful and have more bargaining power in relation to each one of the spokes. So destroying multilateralism, the World Trade Organization, the G20, even the IMF and the World Bank, and place America first, turn it into the...
Read More »Conversando sobre economia com a minha filha – Yanis Varoufakis – Pílula 33
Economic Update: Europe’s New Internationalist Left
[S10 E26] Europe's New Internationalist Left **Economic Update is a @Democracy At Work production. We make it a point to provide the show free of ads. Please consider supporting our work. Donate one time or become a monthly donor by visiting us at or become a patron Economic Update on Patreon: Your contributions help keep this content free and accessible to all. Now more than ever, sharing Prof. Wolff's message is...
Read More »2008 & 2020: The Combination That Changed Capitalism Forever [Yanis Varoufakis]
As protests erupt on the streets of America and the world, current power structures no longer feel tenable. Can this popular uprising break the neoliberal grip on the state and create lasting structural change that will empower the disenfranchised? Join us as the Former Finance Minister of Greece and founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 25 (DiEM25) explores what a restructured economic and political landscape might look like in a post pandemic era, and what it would take to harness...
Read More »2008 & 2020: The Combination That Changed Capitalism Forever [Yanis Varoufakis]
As protests erupt on the streets of America and the world, current power structures no longer feel tenable. Can this popular uprising break the neoliberal grip on the state and create lasting structural change that will empower the disenfranchised? Join us as the Former Finance Minister of Greece and founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 25 (DiEM25) explores what a restructured economic and political landscape might look like in a post pandemic era, and what it would take to harness...
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