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Home / Yanis Varoufakis: Thoughts for the Post-2008 World
The author Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis
An accidental economist Let me begin with a confession: I am a Professor of Economics who has never really trained as an economist. But let’s take things one at a time.

Yanis Varoufakis: Thoughts for the Post-2008 World

Συζητώντας με την Πάολα Ρεβενιώτη στην “Κατάσταση Πολιορκίας” του ΜέΡΑ-TV

[embedded content] Λίγες φορές έχω χαρεί συζήτηση όσο το περασμένο Σάββατο με την Πάολα Ρεβενιώτη, της οποίας η έντιμη, αγωνιστική, αντι-καταθλιπτική δράση μας δίνει δύναμη . Η εικόνα της Αθήνας των περασμένων δεκαετιών που μοιράστηκε μαζί μας ήταν ένα ακόμα “μπόνους”. Αν δεν την είδατε, δείτε την – δεν θα το μετανιώσετε....

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A chronicle of our BLEAK TWENTIES – Cambridge Union Online

[embedded content] The good folk at Cambridge Union invited me to deliver a talk over the internet during our lockdown days. I chose to deliver a speech, or text, reciting what I fear might prove an accurate assessment of our BLEAK TWENTIES from the perspective of, say, December 2030. My great hope is that it is proven grossly inaccurate. But my fear is that it won’t…...

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Have Merkel & Macron just announced a eurobond-funded godsend for the EU? DiEM25’s view

[embedded content] On Monday 19th May 2020, Chancellor Merkel and President Macron announced a joint proposal for a 500 billion euro common fund, to be financed by allowing the European Commission to borrow from the money markets. The fund will, according to the Merkel-Macron proposal, finance directly businesses across the EU – by means mainly of transfers. Is this a breakthrough? Here is my...

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Discussing movies in the age of lockdown with Valeria Golino on DiEM-TV’s ‘Another Now’ – VIDEO

[embedded content] Honoured that Valeria Golino was my guest in the latest episode of DiEM-TV’s ‘Another Now’. With the extraordinary actor we talked films, films, films, plus a little on some common biographical details involving Greece, Egypt, scoliosis, not to mention that she played my… wife in ADULTS IN THE ROOM For previous episodes with Johann Hari, Roger Waters, Stephanie Kelton and...

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Άρθρο Γ. Βαρουφάκη: Η Προοδευτική Διεθνής – Άρθρο στην ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ

Ακόμα κι όταν ο κορωνοϊός θα έχει νικηθεί, το νέο χρέος που θα έχει αφήσει στο διάβα του θα βαραίνει για χρόνια την υφήλιο δηλητηριάζοντας τις δημοκρατίες μας και συνεισφέροντας στην οικοδόμηση ενός κόσμου λιγότερο ανοικτού, φτωχότερου, γεμάτου τείχη και μισαλλοδοξία. Το υφεσιακό κύμα που έφερε η πανδημία βρήκε την παγκόσμια οικονομία ήδη ευάλωτη. Υστερα από μία δεκαετία «εύκολου» χρήματος που οδήγησε στην...

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Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Carlos Menem, Yanis Varoufakis & Richard Durbin and 300 other lawmakers call for a cancellation of developing world’s’ debt – Washington Post

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in a Wednesday letter addressed to Georgieva and David Malpass, president of the World Bank, called on international financial organizations to consider “extensive debt forgiveness” for more than 70 of the world’s poorest countries. The letter, which also called for significant fiscal stimulus to help stabilize the global economy, was signed by more...

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Covid-19 has “turbocharged” the EU’s failures – Interviewed by the NEW STATESMAN’s George Eaton

For Yanis Varoufakis, lockdown has not been a time of contemplation. “I have more work now than I ever did. As you know, everything has shifted to Zoom meetings, which means zero separation between the private and the public,” he explained when we spoke recently, during one such video call. The 59-year-old economist, former Greek finance minister, game theorist and “erratic Marxist” has divided his time since...

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