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Home / Yanis Varoufakis: Thoughts for the Post-2008 World (page 154)
The author Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis
An accidental economist Let me begin with a confession: I am a Professor of Economics who has never really trained as an economist. But let’s take things one at a time.

Yanis Varoufakis: Thoughts for the Post-2008 World

It is time the world unites around an International Green New Deal – The Guardian

By Yanis Varoufakis and David Adler: In times of crisis and catastrophe, children are often forced to grow up quickly. We are now witnessing this premature call to action on a planetary scale. As the adults in government accelerate their consumption of fossil fuels, children are leading the campaign against our species’ looming extinction. Our survival now depends on the prospects for a global movement to follow...

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DiEM25 and the European Parliament election in the UK: A proposal

DiEM25 members are currently debating our collective stance viz. the European Parliament elections in the UK (that, remarkably, may or may not take place). Since 2016, DiEM25 has been on the right side of history regarding Brexit. Our position was the result of a boisterous internal dialogue and a series of all-member votes that have decided our stance. Members have access to our internal Forum where this...

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Πρώτα ήρθαν για τον Ασάνζ – ΕφΣυν 29 ΑΠΡ 2019

Πρώτα ήρθαν για τους σοσιαλιστές, και δεν είπα τίποτα Καθώς δεν ήμουν σοσιαλιστής Μετά ήρθαν για τους συνδικαλιστές, και δεν είπα τίποτα Καθώς δεν ήμουν συνδικαλιστής Μετά ήρθαν για τους Εβραίους, και δεν είπα τίποτα Καθώς δεν ήμουν Εβραίος Μετά ήρθαν για εμένα – αλλά πλέον δεν είχε μείνει κανείς για να με υπερασπιστεί. [Από ομιλία του Γερμανού αντιναζιστή Μάρτιν Νίμουλερ] Ολες μου οι συναντήσεις με τον Τζούλιαν...

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A Dream of Spring: Emma Steiner interviews DiEM25’s David Adler

Yanis Varoufakis and the DiEM25 movement are making headlines with their call for a more democratic and just European Union. Varoufakis brings his experience dealing with the EU as the former finance minister of Greece to the table for the European Spring, a European Parliament electoral slate that includes an ambitious and audacious vision for Europe. Their recently-released manifesto can be found here. I spoke...

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First they came for Assange…

 So, here is an idea: Let us join forces to block Assange’s extradition from any European country to the US, so that he can travel to Stockholm and give his accusers an opportunity to be heard. Let us work together to empower women, while protecting whistle-blowers who reveal nefarious behavior that governments, armies, and corporations would prefer to keep hidden. To read the article, please click here...

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Spitzenkandidat debate featuring Yanis Varoufakis – March 26, 2019, Brussels | DiEM25

Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder and Demokratie in Europa lead candidate for the European Parliament elections in Germany, was the first guest of the jointly organised Bruegel-FT Spitzenkandidaten series. This event was part of a series of talks and debates with Europe’s Spitzenkandidaten and political leaders. Journalists from the FT, along with a Bruegel Director explore and challenge the main political parties’ policies for the future of the continent in front of an invited audience....

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Το 2015 σε τρία λεπτά

[embedded content] 11μμ, 5η Ιουλίου 2015. Ο κόσμος στους δρόμους πανηγυρίζει. Το Μαξίμου βυθισμένο σε ύποπτη σιωπή. Στο Υπουργείο Οικονομικών οι οικονομικοί συντάκτες ζητούν ενημέρωση. Ο Υπουργός Οικονομικών, Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης, προσέρχεται στην αίθουσα τύπου και κάνει την εξής δήλωση: Την 25η Ιανουαρίου ο ελληνικός λαός είπε όχι πια σε πέντε χρόνια υποκρισίας – σε πέντε χρόνια προσποίησης ότι...

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