Friday , July 26 2024
Home / Yanis Varoufakis: Thoughts for the Post-2008 World (page 5)
The author Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis
An accidental economist Let me begin with a confession: I am a Professor of Economics who has never really trained as an economist. But let’s take things one at a time.

Yanis Varoufakis: Thoughts for the Post-2008 World

23 books i want to read in 2023 (and other reading goals)

let me know what your reading goals are for 2023 (or if you're not setting any this year let me know why)! follow me on instagram to keep up to date with my reading and to see how I'm progressing with my reading goals: ~ *2023 Goals:* 1. Only buy a book once I've read one. 2. Read 75% non-fiction. 3. Read more political theory (or similar) - 12 books. ~ *23 Books in 2023:* 1. Putin's People by Catherin Belton 2. Normal People by Sally Rooney 3. The...

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The Sharing Economy, the Peer-to-Peer Economy and the Collaborative Economy

This is the first full length episode of Utopias, Dystopias and Today's Technology. Our guest is Somil Gupta: The topic is, as the title suggests, about the terms "Sharing Economy", "Peer to Peer Economy" and "Collaborative Economy" what they mean and what this means for us all. This episode makes a few references: The podcast, "What's the Buzz--AI in Business" by Andreas Welsch:...

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.."he is now rotting in Belmarsh in Britain’s Guantanamo" #YanisVaroufakis

In this video you see a guest of the Noisy Leaks exhibition in Berlin entering Belmarsh Live. We have spiced up the video with a statement from Yanis Varoufakis, he send Manja for the exhibition in Leipzig and also with some strong words from Julian. We encourage you to watch to the end. If you like to support our project you please go here: Find out more about the artist: Manja McCade Assange.Network

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E71: The dark side of the EU

Corruption. Bags of cash. Links to organised crime. Using intimidation to stop people asking questions. We always knew this EU was authoritarian and crooked. But a series of recent scandals is bringing its dark side into full relief. The Qatar corruption probe is rocking the European Parliament, having already claimed the jobs of several top MEPs. While over in Frankfurt, the European Central Bank is demanding legal fees to intimidate our own organisation, DiEM25. All because we dared to...

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