In order to restore the rule of law, we ask every candidate for the nomination of their party for the presidency to pledge that they will not take contributions from any financial firm (or contributions above 0 from their officers) that the United States or its agencies have, after investigation, charged with committing the legal elements of fraud. That list includes virtually all of the largest banks in the U.S. and Europe and Freddie and Fannie. Indeed, most of these financial giants have admitted that they conducted massive frauds. [Translate]
William Black considers the following as important: Bank Whistleblowers United, BWU, William K. Black
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In order to restore the rule of law, we ask every candidate for the nomination of their party for the presidency to pledge that they will not take contributions from any financial firm (or contributions above $250 from their officers) that the United States or its agencies have, after investigation, charged with committing the legal elements of fraud. That list includes virtually all of the largest banks in the U.S. and Europe and Freddie and Fannie. Indeed, most of these financial giants have admitted that they conducted massive frauds.