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My email report for August 2020

… is available here, and over the fold. Hi all,Another update on what I’ve been doing, nearly all remotely of course.I’ve started work on my new book, Economic Consequences of the Pandemic, which I’ve agreed to write for Yale University Press. The title is a play on two polemical pieces by John Maynard Keynes, Economic Consequences of the Peace (a critique of the Treaty of Versailles) and Economic Consequences of Mr Churchill (written when Churchill, as Chancellor to the Exchequer, put Britain  Sback on the gold standard, with disastrous consequences.The projected was suggested to me by Seth Ditchik, who previously commission Zombie Economics and Economics in Two Lessons when he was at Princeton University Press. I’m hoping to have it out early next year. Topics will

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Peter Radford writes Break Up Economics — continued

tom writes Varieties of capitalism and societal happiness: theory and empirics

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… is available here, and over the fold.

Hi all,

Another update on what I’ve been doing, nearly all remotely of course.

I’ve started work on my new book, Economic Consequences of the Pandemic, which I’ve agreed to write for Yale University Press. The title is a play on two polemical pieces by John Maynard Keynes, Economic Consequences of the Peace (a critique of the Treaty of Versailles) and Economic Consequences of Mr Churchill (written when Churchill, as Chancellor to the Exchequer, put Britain  Sback on the gold standard, with disastrous consequences.

The projected was suggested to me by Seth Ditchik, who previously commission Zombie Economics and Economics in Two Lessons when he was at Princeton University Press. I’m hoping to have it out early next year. Topics will include
*the need to reject austerity
* the case for relying on human services rather than physical infrastructure to drive the recovery
* the rise of the information economy; and
* the problem of monopoly

A couple of reports I’ve been working on are approaching publication. One is a report  by the Australian Academy of Science on the implications of 3 degrees of warming.  The other is the case for a Livable Income Guarantee.

A summary of my media activities for July is here.

How to follow what I’m doing (if you want to!)

Signup for this list is here. I also have a mailing list focused on Adani and related issues, to which you can sign up here

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Facebook Public Page
Economics in Two Lessons Facebook Page:
Twitter feed  @johnquiggin

Signup for this list is here. I also have a mailing list focused on Adani and related issues, to which you can sign up here.
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Comments, bouquets and constructive criticism always welcome at [email protected]

Best wishes

John Quiggin
He is an Australian economist, a Professor and an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow at the University of Queensland, and a former member of the Board of the Climate Change Authority of the Australian Government.

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