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Decades Of Empirical Evidence

I did not always think that mainstream economists are mostly socialized to be unlettered knaves, deficient in mathematics and logic. It took decades of empirical evidence. These links are mostly to tedious and petty stuff, more for my own archiving. Lots of weird stuff comes from non-economists. Sometimes you will find a poster not necessarily defending me, but trying to get some other poster to say something substantial. Some, like Tim Lambert, do not even seem to care about economics. The misrepresentations by mainstream economists of what they and others say is not confined to discussions with me. Some serious people, like David Graeber, appear in these discussions independent of me. Poor teaching of econ (August 2007) Failure of neoclassical economics (January, 2006). Baumol,

Robert Vienneau considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Bill Haskell writes From the Middle Out and Bottom Up

Joel Eissenberg writes The business model of modern universities

Bill Haskell writes The Economics of Killing Medicaid . . .

Angry Bear writes Healthcare in the United States

I did not always think that mainstream economists are mostly socialized to be unlettered knaves, deficient in mathematics and logic. It took decades of empirical evidence.

These links are mostly to tedious and petty stuff, more for my own archiving. Lots of weird stuff comes from non-economists. Sometimes you will find a poster not necessarily defending me, but trying to get some other poster to say something substantial. Some, like Tim Lambert, do not even seem to care about economics. The misrepresentations by mainstream economists of what they and others say is not confined to discussions with me. Some serious people, like David Graeber, appear in these discussions independent of me.

I think twitter shows that many with training in economics, science, or mathematics realize that "Mainstream economics is replete with ideas that 'everyone knows' to be true, but that are actually arrant nonsense" (Jeremy Rudd). Maybe I had a small part in this realization.

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