I’ve just written a blog post discussing how program performance is monitored in Calgary’s Homeless-Serving System of Care. Points raised in the blog post include the following: -The Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) is the System Planner for Calgary’s Homeless-Serving System of Care (full disclosure: I work as CHF’s Director of Research and Data). As System Planner, CHF disburses approximately million annually to programs in Calgary that assist households experiencing homelessness (I’ve previously blogged about those various programs here). -CHF also monitors performance of the programs it funds; it uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as part of that effort. -CHF has recently unveiled new KPIs (which are the subject of my new blog post). The link to the new blog post is here.
Nick Falvo considers the following as important: aboriginal peoples, Alberta, cities, homeless, housing, indigenous people, municipalities, Poverty, Role of government, social indicators, social policy
This could be interesting, too:
Nick Falvo writes Report finds insufficient daytime options for people experiencing homelessness
Nick Falvo writes Youth homelessness
Nick Falvo writes Comparing municipal spending on housing and homelessness in Canada’s major cities
Nick Falvo writes Housing and homelessness in London (England)
I’ve just written a blog post discussing how program performance is monitored in Calgary’s Homeless-Serving System of Care.
Points raised in the blog post include the following:
-The Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) is the System Planner for Calgary’s Homeless-Serving System of Care (full disclosure: I work as CHF’s Director of Research and Data). As System Planner, CHF disburses approximately $42 million annually to programs in Calgary that assist households experiencing homelessness (I’ve previously blogged about those various programs here).
-CHF also monitors performance of the programs it funds; it uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as part of that effort.
-CHF has recently unveiled new KPIs (which are the subject of my new blog post).
The link to the new blog post is here.
Enjoy and share: