I’m the lead author of a recent report, commissioned by Vibrant Communities Calgary, looking at factors associated with social disorder on public transit (including social disorder involving people experiencing homelessness). Here’s a ‘top 10’ overview of the report: https://nickfalvo.ca/report-finds-insufficient-daytime-options-for-people-experiencing-homelessness/
Nick Falvo considers the following as important: addiction, Alberta, austerity, cities, health care, homeless, housing, inequality, municipalities, Poverty, public infrastructure, public services, public transit, social indicators, social policy, transportation
This could be interesting, too:
Nick Falvo writes Youth homelessness
Nick Falvo writes Comparing municipal spending on housing and homelessness in Canada’s major cities
Nick Falvo writes Housing and homelessness in London (England)
NewDealdemocrat writes Housing permits and starts the lowest since 2020, units under construction also decline further, but no yellow caution flag yet
I’m the lead author of a recent report, commissioned by Vibrant Communities Calgary, looking at factors associated with social disorder on public transit (including social disorder involving people experiencing homelessness).
Here’s a ‘top 10’ overview of the report: https://nickfalvo.ca/report-finds-insufficient-daytime-options-for-people-experiencing-homelessness/