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The Cult of Extreme Gender Equality

This can be deflated with one short question:Question: should 50% of all miners, sewage workers, and oil rig workers be women?After all, if all gender inequality is a horrendous evil and must be addressed, then aren’t feminists, logically, committed to making 50% of all miners, sewage workers, and oil rig workers be women?If the advocate of gender equality says “no,” then they have just admitted that some significant gender inequality is always going to exist, and that in certain professions it would be absurd to demand gender equality.If the advocate of gender equality says “yes,” then immediately one must ask:“But what if women don’t want to do these jobs, freely choose to avoid them, and most of them would actually hate to do such jobs?”So, what, are you going to force women to do them? Are you going to subject women to a barrage of feminist propaganda telling them that women need to do 50% of these jobs? And what if – shock! horror! – women still shun these professions??And could it be that there are basic biological facts? You know, that men – generally speaking and on average – tend to be physically stronger than women, and so are better suited to hard and difficult physical labour than women are?You might like to read up here on the sexist, evil “hate facts” about the professions dominated by men because women don’t want to do these types of hard physical labour.

Lord Keynes considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:
This can be deflated with one short question:
Question: should 50% of all miners, sewage workers, and oil rig workers be women?
After all, if all gender inequality is a horrendous evil and must be addressed, then aren’t feminists, logically, committed to making 50% of all miners, sewage workers, and oil rig workers be women?

If the advocate of gender equality says “no,” then they have just admitted that some significant gender inequality is always going to exist, and that in certain professions it would be absurd to demand gender equality.

If the advocate of gender equality says “yes,” then immediately one must ask:

“But what if women don’t want to do these jobs, freely choose to avoid them, and most of them would actually hate to do such jobs?”
So, what, are you going to force women to do them? Are you going to subject women to a barrage of feminist propaganda telling them that women need to do 50% of these jobs? And what if – shock! horror! – women still shun these professions??

And could it be that there are basic biological facts? You know, that men – generally speaking and on average – tend to be physically stronger than women, and so are better suited to hard and difficult physical labour than women are?

You might like to read up here on the sexist, evil “hate facts” about the professions dominated by men because women don’t want to do these types of hard physical labour.

For example, there seems to be a horrible level of gender inequality in these professions:

(1) garbage collectors;

(2) deep sea fishermen;

(3) electrical power line installers;

(4) auto repair mechanics;

(5) roofers;

(6) heating, air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics;

(7) aircraft maintenance and service technicians;

(8) firefighters;

(9) construction workers.

So I am guessing that universal Western institutional sexism and the evil white male patriarchy is to blame for this outrageous gender inequality?! Those white male bastards!

But, returning to reality from our feminist fantasy world, doesn’t it follow that some level of gender inequality in our societies is not only natural, but also morally right and nothing to be concerned about?

Oh, and you might spare a thought for all those poor men throughout history who have laboured in mines, sewage works, and oil rigs for human civilisation, doing the work that women would not like to do.

You might also reflect on the reality that the socialist left fought for decades to get women and girls out of the mines and factories, and to stop capitalists from exploiting women for low wages in jobs which men, who on average are physically stronger than women, are probably much better suited to do.

Lord Keynes
Realist Left social democrat, left wing, blogger, Post Keynesian in economics, but against the regressive left, against Postmodernism, against Marxism

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