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An Alternative Left Facebook Page

I don’t identify as Alt Left myself, but this Alt Left Facebook Page seems quite interesting, and free from some of the strange stuff I have seen on the Alt Left: Alternative Left, think there is now a sensible Alt Left that has managed to divorce itself from the more extreme original movement.It would be nice to have some Old Left (which can also be called the “Realist Left”) Facebook pages or social media forums too. I am now tempted to try and set up an Old Left Facebook page, or something like this.As I have said before, my prediction is that many Millennials will abandon their SJW cults and regressive left nonsense in the coming years, but they will need some new left-wing politics to fall back on.Lots of sensible Alt Left and Old Left points of view should be available for these people when the time comes, so that they are not lost to the right or far right.So what is the Old Left / Realist Left political program? I would still distance an Old Left position from the sensible Alt Left, but there would probably be a lot of overlap, despite differences. E.g., in some respects, some Alt Left people seem much more hostile to the cultural left and socially conservative than even I am, for example. But respectful debate should be the order of the day here, not mutual hostility.

Lord Keynes considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:
I don’t identify as Alt Left myself, but this Alt Left Facebook Page seems quite interesting, and free from some of the strange stuff I have seen on the Alt Left:
Alternative Left,
I think there is now a sensible Alt Left that has managed to divorce itself from the more extreme original movement.

It would be nice to have some Old Left (which can also be called the “Realist Left”) Facebook pages or social media forums too.

I am now tempted to try and set up an Old Left Facebook page, or something like this.

As I have said before, my prediction is that many Millennials will abandon their SJW cults and regressive left nonsense in the coming years, but they will need some new left-wing politics to fall back on.

Lots of sensible Alt Left and Old Left points of view should be available for these people when the time comes, so that they are not lost to the right or far right.

So what is the Old Left / Realist Left political program? I would still distance an Old Left position from the sensible Alt Left, but there would probably be a lot of overlap, despite differences. E.g., in some respects, some Alt Left people seem much more hostile to the cultural left and socially conservative than even I am, for example. But respectful debate should be the order of the day here, not mutual hostility.

An Old Left politics I propose is as follows:

(1) it is vehemently anti-neoliberal and anti-globalisation. It completely rejects neoclassical economics. An Old Left / Realist Left politics supports full employment, Keynesian macroeconomic policies and management of our economies, a high-wage economy, industrial policy, managed trade in the national interest, a humane welfare state, perhaps even a return to some nationalised industries (this can be a legitimate topic for debate), and an end to offshoring of our manufacturing and service jobs to the Third World. An end to neoliberal vandalism and the sale of our national assets to foreigners.

An Old Left would support left heterodox Post Keynesian economics and MMT, not Marxism or feeble and intellectually flawed neoclassical Keynesianism.

(2) an Old Left / Real Left also vehemently rejects libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism, and all ideological free market capitalism as poisonous and toxic ideologies.

(3) at the same time, the Old Left / Real Left politics vehemently rejects cultural leftism: this includes French Poststructuralism, Postmodernism, and all their ridiculous and pernicious ideas, such as truth relativism, cultural relativism, moral relativism, and divisive and extreme identity politics.

Of course, reasonable and sensible civil, legal and equity women’s rights and gay rights are fine, but not cultural leftist identity politics or endless cults of victimology.

In particular, the Old Left should be critical of Third Wave Feminism. End the witch hunting which inevitably accompanies cultural leftism. Abandon the extreme social constructivism and the “blank slate” view of human beings, because it is simply not true: e.g., there are only two natural genders in genetically normal human beings, male and female, and encouraging this type of thing is neither healthy nor desirable. End the bizarre cultural leftist conspiracy theories that blame all our problems on the capitalist, white-male patriarchy and universal “institutional racism.”

(4) the Old Left should defend free speech and freedom of expression from cultural leftist and politically correct witch hunts, restrictions and hate speech laws. Free speech is sacred in a free society, and you will achieve nothing by demanding that governments silence people whose opinions you don’t like – except to dismantle more of our freedoms and set yourself up for having your own free speech taken away, especially if right-wing governments start imposing their own restrictions on free speech.

(5) the Old Left would be anti-imperialist and largely non-interventionist on foreign policy, but not isolationist. Anyone proposing any intervention in the Third World would require a brutally strong burden of proof and anything proposed must be legal under international law.

(6) an Old Left politics should be strongly pro-nuclear family, and be able to address the serious issue of social breakdown, divorce and single parent families, with humane policies free from right-wing viciousness or free market economics.

(7) an Old Left politics will end open borders and mass immigration, and end the bizarre cult of “diversity,” which seems to think that multiculturalism is some great good in and of itself (which it most certainly is not). The Old Left recognises that most people have a normal and natural wish to preserve their nations as homelands for their national culture and their people. Low-level immigration and reasonable refugee quotas are fine, as long as minorities actually do remain a minority of the population, and people who wish to stay assimilate and do not bring hostile and incompatible cultures.

(8) an Old Left politics opposes regressive and illiberal Islamism and Islamisation of our societies, and will promote the strong assimilation of immigrants who are here in the West, and abandon failed multiculturalism.

(9) an Old Left politics should be comfortable with healthy and sensible forms of cultural and civil nationalism.

But at the same time there is room for disagreement and open debate on individual issues, and also on issues I have not mentioned, instead of the intolerant witch hunting that characterises the modern left.

However, there do need to be core principles, as follows:

(1) rejection of neoliberalism, globalisation, neoclassical economics, libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism, and all ideological free market capitalism. Support for left heterodox Post Keynesian economics and MMT.

(2) rejection of the extreme aspects of cultural leftism, namely, French Poststructuralism, Postmodernism, truth relativism, cultural relativism, moral relativism, SJWism, the cult of diversity, and divisive and extreme identity politics.

(3) rejection of open borders and mass immigration.

If you don’t reject these things, you ain’t Old Left or Alt Left. This is not the movement for you.

Lord Keynes
Realist Left social democrat, left wing, blogger, Post Keynesian in economics, but against the regressive left, against Postmodernism, against Marxism

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