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Early Reviews and Critiques of Marx: A List

There are a number of late 19th and early 20th century reviews and critiques of Marx’s theories, by both Marxists and critics of Marx, which are still well worth reading as follows: Dühring, Eugen. 1867. “Marx, Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Oekonomie, 1. Band, Hamburg, 1867,” Ergänzungsblätter zur Kenntniß der Gegenwart, pp.182–186.Dühring, Eugen. 1871. Kritische Geschichte der Nationalökonomie und des Sozialismus. Grieben, Berlin.Dühring, Eugen. 1875. Kritische Geschichte der Nationalökonomie und des Sozialismus (2nd edn.). Theobald Grieben, Berlin.Block, Maurice. 1872. Les théoriciens du socialisme en Allemagne. Librairie de Guillaumin et Ce, Paris.Block, Maurice. 1872. “Les théoriciens du socialisme en Allemagne,” Journal des Economistes 27: 5–38.Block, Maurice. 1884a. “Le Capital de Karl Marx: Dernières observations,” Journal des Economistes 10: 130–136.Block, Maurice. 1884b. “Le Capital de Karl Marx, à propos d’une anticritique,” Journal des Economistes 12: 466–474.Knies, Carl Gustav Adolf. 1873. Geld und Credit. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. Berlin.Roscher, Wilhelm Georg Friedrich. 1874. Geschichte der Nationalökonomie in Deutschland. R. Oldenbourg, Munich.Ely, Richard Theodore. 1883. French and German Socialism in Modern Times. Harper, New York.Loria, Achille. 1884. “Le Capital de Karl Marx et la Critique de M. Block,” Journal des Economistes 10: 137–139.

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There are a number of late 19th and early 20th century reviews and critiques of Marx’s theories, by both Marxists and critics of Marx, which are still well worth reading as follows:

Dühring, Eugen. 1867. “Marx, Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Oekonomie, 1. Band, Hamburg, 1867,” Ergänzungsblätter zur Kenntniß der Gegenwart, pp.182–186.

Dühring, Eugen. 1871. Kritische Geschichte der Nationalökonomie und des Sozialismus. Grieben, Berlin.

Dühring, Eugen. 1875. Kritische Geschichte der Nationalökonomie und des Sozialismus (2nd edn.). Theobald Grieben, Berlin.

Block, Maurice. 1872. Les théoriciens du socialisme en Allemagne. Librairie de Guillaumin et Ce, Paris.

Block, Maurice. 1872. “Les théoriciens du socialisme en Allemagne,” Journal des Economistes 27: 5–38.

Block, Maurice. 1884a. “Le Capital de Karl Marx: Dernières observations,” Journal des Economistes 10: 130–136.

Block, Maurice. 1884b. “Le Capital de Karl Marx, à propos d’une anticritique,” Journal des Economistes 12: 466–474.

Knies, Carl Gustav Adolf. 1873. Geld und Credit. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. Berlin.

Roscher, Wilhelm Georg Friedrich. 1874. Geschichte der Nationalökonomie in Deutschland. R. Oldenbourg, Munich.

Ely, Richard Theodore. 1883. French and German Socialism in Modern Times. Harper, New York.

Loria, Achille. 1884. “Le Capital de Karl Marx et la Critique de M. Block,” Journal des Economistes 10: 137–139.

Loria, Achille. 1895. “L’opera postuma di Carlo Marx,” Nuova Antologia di Scienze 55.3 (February): 460–496.

Loria, Achille. 1920. Karl Marx. (trans. Eden and Cedar Paul), George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London.

Shaw, George Bernard. 1885. “The Jevonian Criticism of Marx,” To-day n.s. 3 (January): 22–26.

Shaw, G. Bernard (ed). 1889. Fabian Essays in Socialism. Fabian Society, London.

Schmidt, Conrad. 1889. Die Durchschnittsprofitrate auf Grundlage des Marxschen Wertgesetzes [The Average Rate of Profit on the basis of Marx’s Law of Value]. Stuttgart.

Böhm-Bawerk, E. von. 1884. Kapital und Kapitalzins. Erste Abteilung: Geschichte und Kritik der Kapitalzins-Theorien. Wagner’schen Universität-Buchhandlung, Innsbruck. = Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von. 1890. Capital and Interest: A Critical History of Economical Theory (vol. 1; trans. William Smart). Macmillan, London.

Wicksteed, Philip H. 1884. “The Marxian Theory of Value. Das Kapital: A Criticism,” To-Day n.s. 2 (October): 388–409.

Wicksteed, Philip H. 1933. The Common Sense of Political Economy and Selected Papers and Reviews on Economic Theory. Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London.

Wicksell, Knut. 1893. Über Wert, Kapital und Rente: nach den neueren nationalokonomischen Theorien. Fischer, Jena = Wicksell, Knut. 1954. Value, Capital and Rent (trans. S. H. Frowein). George Allen & Unwin, London.

Pareto, Vilfredo. 1893. “Introduction,” in K. Marx, Le Capital. Extraits fait par P. Lafargue. Guillaumin, Paris. pp. iii–lxxx.

Sombart, Werner. 1894. “Zur Kritik des ökonomischen Systems von Karl Marx” [Toward a Critique of the Economic System of Karl Marx], Archiv für soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik 7: 555–594.

Lexis, W. 1895. “The Concluding Volume of Marx’s Capital,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 10 (October): 1–33.

Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von. 1949 [1896]. “Karl Marx and the Close of His System,” in Paul. M. Sweezy (ed.), Karl Marx and the Close of His System and Böhm-Bawerk’s Criticism of Marx. August M. Kelley, New York. 3–120.

Butlin, F. 1895. Review of Das Kapital by Karl Marx, The Economic Journal 5.18 (June): 249–251.

Mühlpfort, Wolfgang. 1895. “Karl Marx und die Durchschnittsprofitrate,” Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie 65: 92–99.

Graziadei, A. 1894a. “La teoria del valore di Cario Marx (intenerito nella polemica Soldi-Colletti),” La Critica Sociale 4.19: 296–297 and 20: 317–320.

Graziadei, A. 1894b. “La teoria del valore di Carlo Marx e di Achille Loria,” La Critica Sociale 4.22: 347–349.

Graziadei, A. 1895a. “A proposito del III volume del Capitale (Risposta al Professor Schmidt),” Critica Sociale5.18: 72–74.

Graziadei, A. 1895b. “Sopralavoro e sopravalore – L’indipendenza della teoria del profitto dalla teoria del valore,” La Critica Sociale 5.19: 296–297.

Bulgakov, S. N. 1895. “Trety Tom ‘Kapitala’ K. Marksa” [The Third Volume of Marx’s ‘Capital’), Russkaya Mysl 3: 1–20.

Labriola, Arturo. 1895. “La teoria marxistica del valore e il saggio medio del profitto,” La Critica Sociale 5.3: 43–46.

Labriola, Arturo. 1897. “La teoria marxistica del valore (A proposito di alcune critiche recenti),” La Riforma Sociale 7.4: 213–256.

Sorel, G. 1897. “Sur la théorie marxiste de la valeur,” Journal des Economistes (March): 222–231.

Labriola, Arturo. 1899. La teoria del valore di C. Marx. Studio sul III libro del “Capitale”. Remo Sandron, Milano-Palermo.

Lange, Ernst. 1897. “Karl Marx als volkswirtschaftlicher Theoretiker,” Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 69.4: 540–578.

Komorzynsky, J. V. 1897, “Der dritte Band von Carl Marx ‘Das Kapital’: eine Kritische Abhandlung über die Arbeitswerttheorie und die Socialistische Lehre vom Capitalsertrage,” Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwaltung 6:2: 242–299.

Winiarski, L. 1897. “Etude critique sue le troisieme volume du Capital de Karl Marx,” Revue d’Economie Politique 11.5 (May): 423–465.

Diehl, K. 1898. Über das Verhältnis von Wert und Preis im ökonomischen System von Karl Marx. Fisher, Jena.

Dmitriev, V. K. 1898–1904. Economiceskie Ocerki. Moscow. (= Economic Essays on Value, Competition and Utility. Cambridge Univcrsity Press, Cambridge, 1974).

Bernstein, Eduard. 1899. Die Voraussetzungen des Sozialismus und die Aufgaben der Sozialdemokratie. J.H.W. Dietz, Stuttgart. = Bernstein, Eduard. 1909. Evolutionary Socialism: A Criticism and Affirmation (trans. Edith C. Harvey). Independent Labour Party, London.

Frank, Simeon. 1900. Teoriya tsennosti Marksa i yeyo znachenie [Marx’s Theory of Value and its Significance].

Croce, Benedetto. 1900. Materialismo storico ed economia marxistica. Remo Sandron Editore. Milan and Palermo. = Croce, Benedetto. 1915. Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx (trans. C. M. Meredith). Allen & Unwin, London.

Plekhanov, Georgi. 1901. “On Croce’s Book,”

Pareto, Vilfredo. 1902–1903. Les Systèmes Socialistes. M. Giard, Paris.

Hilferding, Rudolf. 1949 [1904]. “Böhm-Bawerk’s Criticism of Marx,” in Paul M. Sweezy (ed.), Karl Marx and the Close of His System and Böhm-Bawerk’s Criticism of Marx. August M. Kelley, New York. 121–196.

Veblen, Thorstein. 1906. “The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and His Followers,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 20.4: 575–595.

Veblen, Thorstein. 1907. “The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and His Followers,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 21.2: 299–322.

Simtkhovich, V. G. 1908–1912. “Marxism versus Socialism,” Political Science Quarterly 23.2: 193–219; 23.4: 652–689; 24.2: 236–268; 24.4: 641–666; 25.3: 393–419; 27.1: 73–91 and 27.4: 605–630.

Sombart, Werner. 1909. Socialism and the Social Movement. J. M. Dent & Co., London.

Skelton, Oscar Douglas. 1911. Socialism: A Critical Analysis. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston and New York.

Schumpeter, Joseph A. 1914. “Epochen der Dogmen- und Methodengeschichte,” in M. Weber et al. Grundriss der Sozialökonomik (vol. 1). J.C.B. Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen. = Schumpeter, Joseph A. 1954. Economic Doctrine and Method: An Historical Sketch (trans. R. Aris). George Allen & Unwin, London.

Wilbrandt, Robert. 1920. Karl Marx: versuch einer Würdigung. B.G. Teubner, Leipzig.

Boudin, Louis Boudianoff. 1920. The Theoretical System of Karl Marx in the Light of Recent Criticism. Charles H. Kerr, Chicago.

Cole, George Douglas Howard. 1934.What Marx really Meant. Victor Gollancz, London.

Lord Keynes
Realist Left social democrat, left wing, blogger, Post Keynesian in economics, but against the regressive left, against Postmodernism, against Marxism

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