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A Wikipedia Entry for the “Realist Left”

Here is a possible Wikipedia entry for the “Realist Left” or a kind of template for one: _____________________Realist LeftThe “Realist Left” is an expression used to refer to a left-wing political movement that rejects neoliberalism, the regressive left, and aspects of cultural leftism. It takes some inspiration from the Old Left, or the pre-1960s, non-Marxist Social Democratic left, but at the same time is not identical with the Old Left. There is some overlap between the Realist Left and Alt Left in terms of politics, but the Realist Left also distinguishes itself from the Alt Left. Core ideas on the Realist Left include support for left heterodox economics but rejection of cultural leftism and open borders. Contents 1. Origins 2. Political beliefs 3. Relationship with the Alt Left 4. Internet presence 5. External links1. Origins The Realist Left emerged in 2016 amongst older and younger left-wing people profoundly dissatisfied not only with mainstream left-wing, neoliberal political parties, but also with mainstream cultural leftism, including French Poststructuralism, Postmodernism, truth relativism, extreme social constructivism, cultural relativism, moral relativism, extreme multiculturalism, and divisive identity politics.

Lord Keynes considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:
Here is a possible Wikipedia entry for the “Realist Left” or a kind of template for one:

The “Realist Left” is an expression used to refer to a left-wing political movement that rejects neoliberalism, the regressive left, and aspects of cultural leftism. It takes some inspiration from the Old Left, or the pre-1960s, non-Marxist Social Democratic left, but at the same time is not identical with the Old Left. There is some overlap between the Realist Left and Alt Left in terms of politics, but the Realist Left also distinguishes itself from the Alt Left. Core ideas on the Realist Left include support for left heterodox economics but rejection of cultural leftism and open borders.

1. Origins
2. Political beliefs
3. Relationship with the Alt Left
4. Internet presence
5. External links

1. Origins
The Realist Left emerged in 2016 amongst older and younger left-wing people profoundly dissatisfied not only with mainstream left-wing, neoliberal political parties, but also with mainstream cultural leftism, including French Poststructuralism, Postmodernism, truth relativism, extreme social constructivism, cultural relativism, moral relativism, extreme multiculturalism, and divisive identity politics.

Important elements of the Realist Left emerged from online supporters of left heterodox economics (namely, Post Keynesian economics and Modern Monetary Theory).

Early supporters of the Realist Left also felt that many people of the Millennial generation will come to abandon cultural leftism and Social Justice Warrior (SJW) politics, but that such people will need some new left-wing politics to fall back on when this happens, so that they will not be lost to the Right.

2. Political beliefs
Some core principles of the Realist Left that are seen as fundamental to the movement are as follows:

(1) rejection of neoliberalism, globalisation, neoclassical economics, libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism, and all ideological free market capitalism.

(2) support for left-heterodox Post Keynesian and/or Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) economic ideas and economic policies. Rejection of Marxism and Communism.

(3) rejection of the extreme aspects of cultural leftism, namely, French Poststructuralism, Postmodernism, truth relativism, cultural relativism, moral relativism, Social Justice Warrior (SJW) politics, Postmodernist multiculturalism, and divisive and extreme identity politics.

(4) rejection of open borders and mass immigration, on left-wing economic, social and cultural grounds.

In particular, the Realist Left rejects neoclassical theory and maintains that a serious science of capitalism has been created by Post Keynesian economics and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), which should displace neoclassical theory.

Other political positions widely held and important to the Realist Left include the following::

(1) the Realist Left supports full employment, Keynesian macroeconomic policies and management of our economies, a high-wage economy, industrial policy, managed trade in the national interest, a humane welfare state, and an end to offshoring of manufacturing and service jobs to the Third World.

(2) Realist Left politics supports reasonable and sensible civil and equity women’s rights and gay rights, but not cultural leftist identity politics or endless cults of victimology, and the bizarre conspiracy theories that blame all our problems on the capitalist, white-male, heterosexual patriarchy and universal “institutional racism.”

(3) the Realist Left is critical of Third Wave Feminism.

(4) the Realist Left rejects extreme social constructivism and the “blank slate” view of human beings.

(5) the Realist Left defends free speech and freedom of expression from cultural leftist and politically correct witch hunts and restrictions.

(6) the Realist Left is anti-imperialist and largely non-interventionist on foreign policy, but not isolationist.

(7) the Realist Left is pro-nuclear family and – at the very least – open to serious and rational discussion of the breakdown of the nuclear family in the Western world, and what harm this may have done to our societies, but with humane policies free from right-wing viciousness or free market economics.

(8) the Realist Left recognises that most people have a normal and natural wish to preserve their nations as homelands for their majority culture and their people. Low-level immigration and reasonable refugee quotas are fine, as long as minorities actually do remain a minority of the population, and people who wish to stay assimilate and do not bring hostile and incompatible cultures.

(9) the Realist Left opposes regressive and illiberal Islamism, and promotes the assimilation of immigrants in the West.

Not all Realist Leftists accept all these principles above, and there are of course disagreements between Realist Leftists on other issues.

But the Realist Left believes in working out its political, social and cultural positions with open, respectful and rational debate on individual issues, instead of the intolerant witch hunting that characterises the modern left.

3. Relationship with the Alt Left
The Realist Left is different from the Alt Left (also known as the Alternative Left) and also has different origins from the latter movement, although there is an overlap between many Alt Left and Realist Left ideas.

Both the Realist Left and Alt Left are critical, to varying degrees, of modern cultural leftism, such as SJW politics and identity politics.

4. Internet presence
Realist Left ideas are promoted on the internet on social media and blogs (see external links). The economic ideas of the Realist Left can be found on Post Keynesian and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) blogs, though these economists do not necessarily identify with the Realist Left and would take different political positions.

5. External links


Alternative Left @alternativeleft
Alt-Left closed Facebook discussion group

Post Keynesian and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) blogs and websites:
Debt Deflation, Steve Keen
Post Keynesian Economics Study Group
Real-World Economics Review Blog
Naked Keynesianism
Lars P. Syll’s Blog
Philip Pilkington
Thoughts on Economics, Robert Vienneau
Unlearningeconomics Blog
Ramanan, The Case For Concerted Action
Thomas Palley
Debtonation: The Global Financial Crisis. Ann Pettifor
Billy Blog, Bill Mitchell
New Economic Perspectives
Mike Norman Economics Blog
Warren Mosler, The Center of the Universe
Michael Hudson
Econospeak Blog
Robert Skidelsky’s Official Website


(1) I want to keep this up for at least a day or so to receive criticisms, suggestions and comments.

(2) I will edit it to reflect any needed changes, and then perhaps somebody can create a Wikipedia page.

I think the Alt Left should have its own Wikipedia page to which we can link, since I don’t want to speak for the Alt Left.
Lord Keynes
Realist Left social democrat, left wing, blogger, Post Keynesian in economics, but against the regressive left, against Postmodernism, against Marxism

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