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Tag Archives: money

Money and Banking – Part 5

By Eric Tymoigne Previous posts studied the balance sheet of the fed, definitions and relation to the balance sheet of the fed, and monetary-policy implementation. In this post, I will answer some FAQs about monetary policy and central banking. Each of them can be read independently. Q1: Does the Fed target/control/set the quantity of reserves and the quantity of money? The Fed does not set the quantity of reserves and does not control the money supply (M1). It sets the cost of reserves;...

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By Geoffrey Gardiner Jurists have demonstrated that every right must have a corresponding duty, or it is worthless. The same is true of financial assets: for every creditor there has to be a debtor. Money is assignable debt. The debt should be negotiable, that is it can be transferred to another owner without reference to the knowledge of the debtor. There are primary debt and secondary debt. An example of primary debt is when a borrower draws down a bank loan by making a payment to...

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The Ideology of Money Scarcity

By J.D. ALT I’ve been continuing to work on the book I first proposed here at NEP last spring—The Millennials’ Money—and am getting close now to having it ready for publication. The aspect of it that was least successful (and there were several NEP comments to that effect) was the framing of the “ideology of money scarcity” as having evolved from the particularities of the baby-boomer’s generational experience. That was always a shaky and not-very-insightful argument—and I recently came to...

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Rethinking government debt

There is a huge amount of hysteria about government debt and deficits, not just in the UK but throughout much of the world. As I write, Brazil has been downgraded by Standard & Poors because of concerns about rising government debt and weakening commitment to primary fiscal surpluses in a context of political uncertainty and deepening recession. It is the latest in a long line of downgrades and investor flight over the last few years. The global economy is a very stormy place.The UK,...

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