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Tag Archives: alt right

Antony P. Mueller — Is Cultural Marxism America’s New Mainline Ideology?

Most of the posts are Mises Daily  are looney (in my opinion), but this one takes the cake. Huge claims, zero references.Why am I posting this for reference? Because "cultural Marxism" is a very influential meme on the right that is used to attack "social justice warriors," "political correctness" and "identity politics" as "Communists."Propaganda and persuasion (think marketing and advertising, for example) operates largely by creating memes that dominate the narrative and capture it....

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Sam Kriss — The Myth of the Alt-Left

After Trump announced the existence of the alt-left on live TV, media outlets scurried to tell the world exactly where the term emerged from. CBS explains that it “came out of the conservative media.” CNN, quoting a director at the Anti-Defamation League, describes it as a “made-up term used by people on the right.” writes that “the term ‘alt-left’ began being used by the online conservative media in 2016 before it slowly migrated to more mainstream conservative voices, like Fox...

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Mike Norman Economics 2017-08-17 20:09:44

But what should be more troubling to Antifa is that its strategy of participating in violence provides a unique opening for right-wing extremists. We are hearing more and more about Antifa not because its anti-fascist message is being disseminated more effectively. Instead we are hearing about it as the bogeyman of white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other far-right groups. Antifa is, in this context, the violent provocateur of the alt-right. Unless and until the left...

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Sandwichman — Deep Structures of the Cultural Marxism Myth

Jeet Heer has posted a timely and excellent essay at New Republic titled "Trump's Racism and the Cultural Marxism Myth." In his essay, Heer recounts much of the background to the Higgins memo that I have documented here, here and here. Heer credits William S. Lind as the major popularizer of the myth, as have I in my blog posts. What I'm posting here extends the analysis and reveals significant background about personnel and timelines to the story.... There is a subtext to this that one...

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Sandwichman on the Higgins Memo

Now that the US Civil War 2.0 has broken out in violence, it is good to be aware of this. The background is given in the links Sandwichman provides at the beginning of the first post. The AltRight is livid that Gen. McMaster is cleaning house, and it seems that Gen. Kelley is too, having sidelined Steve Bannon.EconospeakThe Higgins Memo, Anders Breivik and the Lyndon LaRouche Cult The “Narratives” of Higgins’s “Warfare” SandwichmanThe full text of the memo that Sandwichman links to at FP...

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